bleedin lines

get another person and crack lines 1 3 and 4 at the head.. then one of you crank the truck over until fuel is spitting out... then start tightening the lines as the truck is turning over and it will run kinda rough until there all the way tightened.... keep at it.... sometimes it can take a lil bit to get it going.... and just pump the starter to let your lift pump get primed first... that always worked for me hahaha
I stick a 2-liter soda bottle over the end of the fuel drain hose, open the valve and have someone bump the starter to cycle the lift pump. That'll clear the air out pretty fast. Then start cranking holding the throttle most of the way to the floor, it will start in with 2-3 rounds of cranking 5-10 seconds at a time. I never fuss with cracking and bleeding injector lines, too messy and not really necessary.
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Are you talking about the fuel drain hose under the stock filter canister? What about air between the ip and the injectors?
I just installed a fass today on my 99 (pump only-no filters/separators). I attached a hose to the filter drain hose and drained it into a container leaving the filter drain valve open. I bumped the starter once and waited until fuel started to drain out again. Before the pump stopped I closed the valve. I got back in the truck and it started right up. Didn't touch the throttle or crack any lines.

If you already cranked before bleeding at the filter the air will be pushed further up the system and may have to crack the return line and maybe some injector lines.
got it done guys thanks, never would have installed it if i knew it was going to be this dad gum loud
it should'nt be that loud, I had a customer that installed one themselves and it was touching the bottom of the body and is was VERY loud lol