Blew up my hx40


New member
Jan 22, 2008
Well I just got my adrenaline going about 2 weeks ago, ofcourse I had to go with the biggest baddest setting they had, and boom!! My exhaust wheel was sitting in my down pipe, and the fins on my compressor wheel were pretty much gone. What do I need to do, as far as checking metal going into my engine. On another note, I got an hx50 that needs to be rebuilt. Should I rebuild the hx50, or save for a different turbo. I'm only lookin for around 500hp, so I'm not lookin to drop a crazy amount of money on a turbo, what do you guys suggest?
How much boost did you see?

The hx50 is probably on the big side for only 500 hp.
my 40 was the only turbo that I had grenade on me as well.. Exhaust wheel and the shaft exited the tailpipe. Didn't have anything head towards the motor though.
I was seeing about 47psi. I'm sure that's part of the reason. I've heard the 40's shaft is weak. What turbo would you guys recommend. What about the common rail turbo?
I've heard the hx40 uses the hx35 shaft, but bigger wheels=more stress. I think the hx50 is big and laggy as a single. I would look into a 62 or 64mm. ie: sps62, dtech 62 or 64, bd special
we posted at the same time.......... I think the he351 takes a little fabbing but would prob be better than the hx40
I've heard the hx40 uses the hx35 shaft, but bigger wheels=more stress. I think the hx50 is big and laggy as a single. I would look into a 62 or 64mm. ie: sps62, dtech 62 or 64, bd special

The hx50 isn't necessarily big and laggy ... depends on the setup. But, as I said before, for 500 hp it is overkill.
i dont know how you guys do it. i pounded well over 150 lbs of nitrous end to end on the track and seen 57 lbs on my old hx40.yes it about junk... sill worked.