Blowing coolant out resevoir?


Go away, I'm 'batin'!
Jun 12, 2006
NOT MY TRUCK, lol! :D A friend has another 6.0 that's puking out the resevoir and I'm wondering if there's a relatively easy way to tell if it's the egr or if it's the heads/headbolts. The truck has a Bank's "package" on it.
data log and and see what you coolant vs. oil temps are,if they are out of spec (15*difference) replace one or the other or both if needed (egr or oil cooler) and see what happens from there, if it continues to puke pressure test the rezy..most of the time puking is headgasktes..alot of people don't want to believe that, but its true.
If you pressurize the bottle and hang out for like 30 minutes. Lift the back end of the truck like 2 feet in the air. Pull the EGR valve out and look inside the intake. Do you see coolant?
Ive had about every coolant problem known to man on my 6.0. Ive had afew egr coolers and it seemed to come out of the tailpipe both times for me, it just smoked like a old steam train. I had a cracked injector cup and that made it puke but my coolant smelled like diesel. Its probably a head gasket or a cracked head of some sort. :charger:
LMAO, mine is in the shop right now for this. I believe this is 5th time I have taken it there with coolant puking out of it.

I'll let you know whats up when I hear about it lol.