Boost Readings over 40 psi, correct or not?


Jan 22, 2007
I have heard from some, that some, being Edge, that the EDGE Attitude readout may not be very accurate for levels above 40 PSI. It is recommended that we use a manual guage for these higher pressures.

My question is, the MAP pegs out at 2.44 VDC at 18-19 psi. So how the heck does it read accurately up to 40 PSI? My gauge pegs at 43 psi at WOT. But with the possibility in the future of running twins for 55 psi or so, I wonder if it would even read close or just be way off.

What do you guys think? Are any of you running the Attitude readout for pressures above 50 psi and does it work?

(wow, I'm actually going to be involved in a SERIOUS discussion about trucks again. Today's barage of threads have been waaaayyyy off topic!)

Loud&Obnoxious said:
I think you should install a mechanical guage.

I would agree, the factory map sensor is only a 3 bar sensor so it wont be very accurate at high boost levels. The topping out at 2.44v you are seeing is the edge boost fooler working and not letting the ECM see an overboost condition resulting in limp mode.
For accurate readings, get a mech gauge Jory, if nothing else just hook an air compressor style guage up and tape it to the hood to compare readings. That would tell you and gross inaccuracies.
chop342 said:
I would agree, the factory map sensor is only a 3 bar sensor so it wont be very accurate at high boost levels. The topping out at 2.44v you are seeing is the edge boost fooler working and not letting the ECM see an overboost condition resulting in limp mode.

Yes, and that is where the "need to know how it works" comes in. Once the box starts the "boost fooling" is it just making up readings for what it "thinks" it should be? What does it base this "interpolated" information on? And what does "3 bar" mean? And why can't I test it with a air compressor and a DMM reading resistance? The only way I can see valid data coming from it is to install it in the truck, clip a DMM to it and read voltage as I drive. I can't seem to figure out how to bench test them. Any info on this?

<edit> I just requested this info from Edge, we'll see if they answer me.
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zukgod1 said:
3 bar is equal to 43.51 psi

O, God. Duh. Can you tell I studied electricity instead of mechanics?:eek:wned:

But, the voltage maxes out at 20 psi, how the heck does it read up to 43?
Chip Fisher told me the factory MAP sensor is good up till 50PSI
In theory the attitude should read accurately to 3 bar because is piggy backs the map sensor so it can read full boost until the boost reading reaches the juice then it just limits it before the ECM sees it. But for the trouble just throw in a mechanical boost gauge and problem is solved!
On my 06 my Edge stops at 41 psi but my mechanical boost will peg 70 psi. Up until 41 psi the gauges appear to be the same reading.
