Bully Dog Days 2011


New member
Jul 21, 2009
As they tried and had a great showing earlier this year, for the 50,000 dollar drag race to bring more money and payouts to the sport and competitors. We at custom auto are trying to do the same for bully dog days 2011 for the dyno competition. As it is considered to be dyno racing by some, others find joy as well in dynoing and proving there power. We called bully dog and presented them with a exhibition class 1,000 dollar buy in, winner take all! It will be released in there flyer shortly, i wanted to spread the word a bit early tho, to all who want to come, so you may have time to get ready! Bully dog will host there show as usual, this is exhibition only call out by us at custom auto , we will be putting in a thousand a piece to start the pot, there are no rules, run what you brung!! Fuel, nitrous, propane, 4 turbos, 3 turbos, 2 turbos, 1 turbo, if you wanna come have a blast and make big power with high stakes, Bully Dog Days 2011 is where it will be held, i believe there pay out is quite big as well. The event is held at bully dogs place july 9. See all who may come and good luck!
They're gonna have a dyno for those of us who own sub 500hp trucks right? LOL all I have is a damn edge on my truck and I wanna run it just to say I did

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How much Hp will the dyno measure? Last time I was there it maxed out at 1500.
chris, you hit around 1450 right? im not sure, i know our dyno read up to 1700 horse with my truck, the only reason it didnt read higher is cause i ran out of rpms i believe, superflow really does not even know where those dynos top out at, they told me they had as gas car hit 2400 on a superflow, so i would asume its good for at least that.
They're gonna have a dyno for those of us who own sub 500hp trucks right? LOL all I have is a damn edge on my truck and I wanna run it just to say I did

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haha yes they will, bully dog will host there show as usual, with all there classes and payouts
good deal, i have ZERO chance of getting any prize money with my super sweet edge and a 5'' exhaust, but i wanna see what she can do LOL
How much Hp will the dyno measure? Last time I was there it maxed out at 1500.

watching you drive in and change injectors and lay down 1450/2800 then driving back home was one of the coolest things ive seen

i was the guy who came over and asked if you needed any help/tools
i heard 1130 took it.

I hear there was some drama at the event
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not really drama imo, chad hall from alligator took it with 1129 hp zero load and no correction factor dimtri didnt dyno custom autos triple truck did 1050 something but 1100 something then there 3rd run didnt count but was 1244 all on spray for both trucks
The record should be set straight here. Dimitri is under the impression that Bully Dog exploited HIS name in order to make their event bigger. This is no where near the truth, anybody that listened to the radio ads knows that they said that CUSTOM AUTO was throwing down a challenge that nobody could beat their two Duramaxes. Not once was his name mentioned. Custom Auto wanted to issue a challenge and contacted Bully Dog to promote and host it. Bully Dog obliged and offer to help them get the challenge out to the general public. All ads and the press release were pre approved by James at Custom Auto.

Ok, Bully Dog also choose their wording poorly in the same ad by saying thousands in prize money will be given away.. But guess what? they manned up, corrected their error and decided to hand out cold hard cash. Funny thing is when the cash was offered Dimitri still backed out of the dyno. Everybody that is crying like a bunch of girls because they need cash needs to shut it. If you don’t like the prizes that many of the dyno events are offering then don’t enter, nobody is forcing you to get on the dyno, nobody is forcing you to drop thousands in parts and upgrades into your trucks. get over it.

furthermore, I was registering at the same time Dimitri was. At that time he asked the girls at the registration booth if he decided to not run if he could get a refund. He waited for Chad to run and then backed out. sounds like he was planning on backing out before he even signed up... so thats fine Dimitri, don’t support Bully Dog. im sure that after your childish display at the event and from what several people said you about took a swing at their marketing girl (which we all know you are disrespectful of women) that they don’t want you back, and your actions almost got CUSTOM AUTO kicked out of the event too.

But yes Custom auto had a truck that got a higher horsepower then Alligator’s truck and it was impressive for sure, but it was just a exhibition run that didn't count to the overall prize, So congratulations to both Custom Auto and Alligator for putting on a good showing.

you know what you can do with the $50 you saved Dimitri.. maybe put it as a down payment on a house so you can stop living in your truck....

I have $50 if the little fellow needs it that bad! :lolly: Poor sportmanship imagine that. Jeff
In on 2 BTW.....this is gonna get good

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