Bully Dog Tripple Dog


Jan 16, 2007
Just got this tuner from TRITON, but it isn't what i need (this is my 4th tuner, i will find one, one day haha)...

One benefit is this box will come with a custom tune on it. It's the 2.4PL made for PDI who made 1000hp on their mega cab. Not saying this tune will do that for you but, it is more aggressive than crazy larry.

The BDTD is pretty much brand new.... I've only used it a couple times. It will come in the factory box it came in.

I just want what i paid for it, nothing extra, going to help a fellow CompD member out :clap:

what are you looking for? I would think the Bully dog with that tune woule be way to much for the list of mods you have. Are you looking for something more adjustable or what? What tuners have you tried?
03-07.5 yes double nickel.

as far as what tuner i am looking for, i do not know. every tuner i tried on my 04.5 worked flawlessly but NONE seem to like my 06.
kman, PM me.
So what is the 2.4pl tune? What difference is it from the crazzy larry. Had the crazzy larry on my old 04.5 and it worked very nice.