Buying new truck, what to buy?


New member
Aug 26, 2011
I'm in the market to buy a new truck. I've looked at and driven all 3 and like them all for different reasons. Dodge for the cummins and Longhorn seats, Ford for the stock tranny and King Ranch seats, and the GMC Denali for the nice clean looking exterior. Here to learn what I can about tuning the different trucks, which tuner will be best for me and so on. No towing of anything over 6000 lbs for me, just want extreme power for excessive 2 lane passing as well as a lot of city driving.
I would honestly go with the Cummins. It has the easiest power to make while still being good, cheap power. It will outlast any other engine. They get great mileage for city driving and you can black out anybody on the roads that you want to.
I would honestly go with the Cummins. It has the easiest power to make while still being good, cheap power. It will outlast any other engine. They get great mileage for city driving and you can black out anybody on the roads that you want to.

So is that a selling point? LOL

OP, welcome, I think.

Can the "excessive 2 lane passing", or go away.
I would honestly go with the Cummins. It has the easiest power to make while still being good, cheap power. It will outlast any other engine. They get great mileage for city driving and you can black out anybody on the roads that you want to.

You need to be banned.
I love the 6.7 psd! Great power stock and tuned (not like 6.4 tho)

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