Bw 475/83/1.1


New member
Oct 6, 2012
Id like to sell my 475/83/1.1 turbo. T4 Foot charger and It has about 10k miles on it. Never been sprayed. Selling to get a 67. Little side to side pay but notHing major. It comes with a brand new turbine housing, polished boot outlet cover and a 90º elbow and a vband cover also.

I'd like 850 for everything plus shipping.

I'd like to sell this ASAP.
why are you downsizing to a 67mm? the charger you have now seems like it would be perfect.
why are you downsizing to a 67mm? the charger you have now seems like it would be perfect.

I do love my 75 but my buddy wants me to try a 67 and he is giving me a good price on it. So I figured I could change it up and see which one I like better.
If he was a "buddy" he would let you try it before he sold it to you. Just sayin!!:Cheer: