Calculating Injection timing, BTDC and ATDC


New member
Feb 15, 2019
Hi all. I've been doing a lot of research on the injector pulse timing in relation to the injection of fuel vs TDC.

I've been reading this thread:

UDC Timing Calculator - Competition Diesel.Com - Bringing The BEST Together

Very interesting reading. I've been using the calculator and want to make sure I'm doing things correctly so that when I generate new results I can be sure about the conclusions I'm making from the numbers.

The research I've done indicates that many tuners favour the following as it relates to BTDC/ATCD in general (Props to KB3MMX):

High power: high load and boost: 30-40% BTDC, remainder ATDC
Moderate power/boost: Low to upper 40's BTDC, remainder ATDC
Low load/boost: Mid 50% BTDC, reminder ATDC
Very low load and boost: 70-80%

I used the version 1.3 timing calc. The process I used is:

1) Copy the stock pressures (in psi) into the psi-mpa tab converter table
2) Copy the output mpa into the pressure tab table
3) Copy the stock duration table into the duration tab table
4) Copy the stock timing into the calc reverse tab, observe the results in the lower table

When I run the stock numbers for the 2004.5+, and use the reverse calculations using the stock timing numbers I get the enclosed table:

Wait I guess I need to web host it....Ok. I'll work on that, but here are a few results from the table:


Can someone verify that I have done this correctly?


Chay Foss
Wow. I would have expected at least one response by now.

Did I ask the question incorrectly?

Seems like the diesel industry holds things really close to their chests (IE: Greedy). Is that what's going on here??

Seems like the diesel industry holds things really close to their chests (IE: Greedy). Is that what's going on here??


I don’t think so.
I expect the guys that REALLY know are not on the forums much, and/or are simply too busy to answer.