Calling out John P vs. Comp461 and Project X for Hot Rod Drag Week

All BS aside...... It's good to see people having a strong passion for Diesel Racing!
I've been called out maybe 10 times on the interwebby.

My favorite was when this guy with a supercharged Dodge SRT-10 pickup started calling me names and crap to get me to race. Finally I told him to show up and shut up. I got to the track, and he wasn't there! :(

Months go by, and one day I'm at the track and LOW and BEHOLD, Mr. PottiMouth is there in lanes!! He doesn't see me. I run up to the front and tell the track official I really, really need to run this guy. So he pulls him out of line, and waits till I get there.

It was ugly.

"My tuning is all wrong! This track sucks! You were supposed to bring your blue truck!"

I put about 20 buslengths on his ass. 14.1 to 11.8. :D
You know what ... I am nobody from Nowhere Ville ........

Greg what the hell are you smoking? Stop picking fights and start learning how to tune and build a truck. Stop having others do it and you taking credit for it.

You talk about first in the 9's 8's etc.... I have been in the 9's, 9.532 as the time slip reads ...... The slip dont lie ...... the hell it dont ..... I was in a 98 CTD on 37's I smoked the crap out of the lights....................

Its a shame that your used care salesman attitude has resulted in bashing other racers.

For the love of god, have you forgotten why we all do this? Stop hanging your hat on what others have done for you and start helping and supporting your fellow racers!
As I recall, Greg and John were standing and chatting in the staging lanes during a 'down time' when I happened to stop and greet. As I'm neither a god nor a cleric, my mere presence could hardly be considered a 'blessing'. :D
Amish Elegance said:
DP: "thisp thisp" *** spits pubes *** Lifts head... "Who me? " :hehe:

lmfao... I just spewed saliva on my computer screen. I thought I said some weird things on here... you boys out do me. This is like a fight on the playground. Thoroughly enjoying this one. :pop: :Cheer: :pop:
I might just take a week off and bring my not yet completed ram2000!
4700lbs of twin turbo diesel! 2007 model black! Street legal in the 10's
Thats project sex!!
BigUgly said:
Here's what I think.
Option #1. Everyone lays off the internet smack and you two race.
Or Option #2. Everyone lays off the interne smack and you two DON'T race.
Honestly, I could care less who said what, who's truck is lighter, who is the better driver or any of that SH_T. We're here for Diesel Competitions, in this case, Drag Racing. NOT an online "measuring contest", so you two (and any camp followers) pull in your fangs and pull up you pants, this is hurting Diesel Drag racing.
We have a uphill battle convincing the rest of the drag racing world we're Legit, people fighting verbally, kills us.
I've been around Diesel Drag racing since BEFORE the beginning, I remember when Garmon's use of an HX-40 in his drag truck was cutting edge!
Everyone needs to do their best to help the sport out. If this keeps up it's going to get to the point where I only go to the drags to drink and hang out with my Comp Gnomies... uh... actually now that I remember Commerce '06 :what: .

Grow up.


Okay folks, I just re-read my post... I'd like to put up here on the web my apolagies, I now relize I could have put in a bit more tact in my post. When I first read the thread (at 3 f@#kin AM!) it was like 7 posts long, come back in after like a 14 hour shift to see the massive amounts of bickering and trash talking kinda ticked me off. I should have followed my own advice and cooled down before my post, for this I am sorry.

Heinz... I also like a little humor in my life, personally I just don't see personal attacks and name calling all that funny. I think I'll stay on the web thank you, I just may avoid these threads for awhile.

Jeff... I know trash talking is common amongst competition sports, I just think the best way to trash talk is to calmly and politely (in this case) pull up to the starting line and leave the trash-talking SOB eating your dust and smoke. After that, nothing else needs to be done.

I do have a personal opinion on this thing... I don't know either of these two guys, but I have seen that COMP seems to be a type of internet troll. I would love to see COMP race, and get his head handed to him. Never did like Banks, they have good products they are just ridiculusly overpriced for what you actually get, but then I guess all that advertising has to be paid for somehow...

Okay folks, have fun slinging poo.:shake:

Jeff2 said:
I might just take a week off and bring my not yet completed ram2000!
4700lbs of twin turbo diesel! 2007 model black! Street legal in the 10's
Thats project sex!!
Wait a minute Jeff.... 4700 lbs... twin turbos... street legal.... in the 10's.... and it's BLACK? :bow: I want one! :woohoo:
Jeff2 said:
I might just take a week off and bring my not yet completed ram2000!
4700lbs of twin turbo diesel! 2007 model black! Street legal in the 10's
Thats project sex!!

:rockwoot: :rockwoot: :rockwoot: :rockwoot: :rockwoot: :rockwoot: :rockwoot: :rockwoot: :rockwoot:

:clap: :clap: :woohoo: :woohoo: :Cheer:
Jeff2 said:
I might just take a week off and bring my not yet completed ram2000!
4700lbs of twin turbo diesel! 2007 model black! Street legal in the 10's
Thats project sex!!

Ummmmmmmm ......:bow: :Cheer: :bow:
Twisted Shifter said:
Stop picking fights and start learning how to tune and build a truck. Stop having others do it and you taking credit for it. .

Stop hanging your hat on what others have done for you and start helping and supporting your fellow racers!

I don’t know who you are, but you are severely misinformed. I do my own work, I build my own projects and make this happen. Any thing else is a lie.
Everyone on here that has first hand knowledge of me knows this. This is the reason I have to become irrational some times on these forums, is because people who feel threaten by my accomplishments try and spread the same lie you are trying to portray as fact
There will be no one there today when I spend until late tonight getting project X ready for Maxton next week.

So who every you are , you absolutely wrong
Pangela said:
lmfao... I just spewed saliva on my computer screen. I thought I said some weird things on here... you boys out do me. This is like a fight on the playground. Thoroughly enjoying this one. :pop: :Cheer: :pop:

Love that avatar, where did that pic come from:poke:

Oh yeah, as far as this thread is concerned shut up and race already.
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COMP461 said:
I don’t know who you are, but you are severely misinformed. I do my own work, I build my own projects and make this happen. Any thing else is a lie.
Everyone on here that has first hand knowledge of me knows this. This is the reason I have to become irrational some times on these forums, is because people who feel threaten by my accomplishments try and spread the same lie you are trying to portray as fact
There will be no one there today when I spend until late tonight getting project X ready for Maxton next week.

So who every you are , you absolutely wrong
so i guess you've tuned project X by yourself...................?:poke:
yep, and the reason it hasent run a 10 yet also. I have to get their my self. No more then some of the tunes I have sent you and a few others working with the vendors
This quote from you pretty much sums up why you take a beating in every post:

"This is the reason I have to become irrational some times on these forums, is because people who feel threaten by my accomplishments try and spread the same lie you are trying to portray as fact"

Therapy Greg. I know just because your paranoid doesn't mean people are not out to get you.
COMP461 said:
yep, and the reason it hasent run a 10 yet also. I have to get their my self. No more then some of the tunes I have sent you and a few others working with the vendors
so i guess we dont need to be having phone conversations about tuning project X anymore.............hummmmmmmmmmmmmm:badidea: :hehe: and the idea of me flying down there to tune it is out the window now.......ahhh OK

i hope you got it all figured out.:bang LOL