Cam Suggestions


New member
Sep 30, 2006
Okay guys I am going to get a cam for my truck, I just need some advice on which one... any one have any suggestions.

Along with the cam I will be adding HD springs and lifters, as well as o-rings to the head (or block). I am keeping my HX40 for the time being as I can install the new turbo(s) later my self later when funds allow.

Thanks in advance


Had to edit to add stuff to my signature.. 01 2500 4x4, Mach4's, Edge Drag Comp, Smarty, PDRHX40-16 and a bunch of other stuff
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I just spent three hours reading the Maxspool vs F1 cam thread..... I learned a bunch but now I am even more confused.
Hey John-JHansen here from over on TDR. Your truck and mine are almost twins-except IIRC yours is an auto? and mine is a stick. Also, I'm only running Mach 1.6's-dropped back to these from my BullyDogs for mileage reasons. I'm in the same boat as you-only my hand is getting forced by an oil leak between the gearcase and the block-figure if I'm going in to fix that I might as well upgrade at the same time.

I have read that thread and others similar to it-and am not a lot clearer on which way to go. Personally, I am leaning towards a Helix cam simply because I respect Don's knowledge base-I had a few PM conversations with him in the good old TDR days about various CTD topics that made me think a little more past the obvious. There's also PDR-and I think I read on here or somewhere else that Piers is offering cams at Peak now-but I couldn't tell you if they are the same thing that PDR has or not. I wouldn't be afraid to run anything that Piers had a hand in either.

I am more in it now for economy then power-although I do like to clear the soot out every now and again. There's no reason why the 2 can't coexist-I am not stupid enough to think that something that blots out the sun on acceleration can achieve the mileage #'s of a Yugo-but making something run more efficiently should benefit both sides of the power/mileage equation.

Hopefully there will be some good hard information come out of this thread-I was afraid to even dip my toe in the water as I remember the tranny thread debacles over on TDR years ago, and that's kinda what the last cam thread I saw turned into.... However, nothing ventured, nothing gained, right?
