CAM woes


New member
Apr 13, 2007
Holy bat crap that wasn't fun and I'm not even done yet---I started Friday afternoon and took the front end apart---BATTLE #1 ---wrestling the frickin radiator out was a major pain--I couldn't get the pipe off the motor nor could I get to the clamp on the lower radiator hose for quite sometime, that was the first battle---

Saturday morning I did the dowels and then it BATTLE #2---why doesn't someone tell you what measurements to cut those back dowels--I cut a little and tried and cut some more--I broke one(thankfully there was 2 extra in the cummins kit) finally I won, but geesh if I would've known I would have been ahead of the game---I then pulled the cam and tried to persuade the came gear off the cam, this was BATTLE #3---why doesn't someone tell you that you need a 20 TON PRESS to get this done or a 20 TON JACK with hilbilly engineering--

I ended up buying a press yesterday and then it was smooth sailing until BATTLE #4--up to now it's been just me, but a friend came by and lent a hand to get the tappets installed---back 3 went in slicker than snot and then the problems arose---couldn't get the next one to pull up all the way--we monkeyed with it for 1/2 hour and then we got it and then the next one was no problem, but then it was tappet war--we spent the next hour trying to get this tappet in--it did just what the 4th one did--it would go up but not far enough to let you spin the tray--we took it out and then put it in about a dozen times, before I figured out that the string was going down the wrong hole--NO not the one in the head, but once the string got thru the head it would go through an oiling hole is what I think--I could pull the tappet up but not enough to be able to spin the tray---this was quite frustrating as it was so close but wouldn't go---finally I got up there and got my head lodged in there so I could eagle eye it and bingo I saw the problem, after that the last two(front two) didn't really want to turn but with a 16lb sledge and 1 1/2" solid pipe and 50 good whacks---NO< NO>NO I just nudged them with one of the dowels and bingo---all tappets in ...........

BATTLE #5 I knew would be fun but it was just getting the cam in at the very end--took me about 15 minutes and then darkness hit--so I stuck the push rods in and there she sets--I will post the measurements of those dowels later---the saga continues later this afternoon---

oh yea this was a blast so far---NOT, but still definite learning experience---chris
Damnit man.... sounds like quite the fiasco. Glad you gaot it taken care of. Which cam did you get?
That's interesting. A couple of my buddy's had the entire front end and top end of the motor torn down and the dowels in the tappets in an hour. I think the entire cam install took 3 hours for them.
BgBlDodge said:
That's interesting. A couple of my buddy's had the entire front end and top end of the motor torn down and the dowels in the tappets in an hour. I think the entire cam install took 3 hours for them.

3 hours, they must have left a few things out, were talkin from draining the water to finish.
LOL I hate those middle oil holes... I bet half of the time the pull string ended up in there. :DOH: My first cam took ~16 hours. The next one would have taken 8 hours but Matt broke one of the injector harness studs. The next time I think I spent about 90 minutes installing tappets on a fresh block. It only gets easier!

dzlfarmboy said:
3 hours, they must have left a few things out, were talkin from draining the water to finish.

I'm talking from popping the hood to starting it up. 3 hours is probably an exaggeration but it wasn't over 5.
joefarmer said:
LOL I hate those middle oil holes... I bet half of the time the pull string ended up in there. :DOH: My first cam took ~16 hours. The next one would have taken 8 hours but Matt broke one of the injector harness studs. The next time I think I spent about 90 minutes installing tappets on a fresh block. It only gets easier!


Good...'cause your gonna have 2 more to do one of these days:D

A full cam swap just sucks! Wait till you add fishing lifter pieces out of the valley and the pan too....good times, NOT!

Signature600 said:
Good...'cause your gonna have 2 more to do one of these days:D

And I can predict the conversation in the shop that day-

Chris: Where's Brnaodn? I need to ask him where he put the spark plugs on his.
Chuck: He went outside with the spud gun again, I think they hit a car on i71 again...

joefarmer said:
My first cam took ~16 hours.


From my experience, it is quicker to pull the pump and the tappet cover, and use hose clamps, then mess around with the dowels.
well two guys who knew what pitfalls to watch out for could do one much, much faster than one guy going after it the first time, plus I try not to rush things the first time either, but by god this was rediculous--now I'm in a BATTLE with the .093 lines--I got them all in but to many were touching so I took 3 out and made 3 of them good to go and got the next two in but ol #2 injector line is fightin' me hard--I remember them being a pain, but it is much worse this time, but maybe the first time I just put them in to see how the truck liked them--it didn't so I pulled them out and didn't worry about them touching, but good lord this is getting frustrating--getting to remember why I got tired of working on the truck--I'll be happy when it's done, but the way I'm fighting things I'll be right down to the wire and still won't be where I really want to be by wednesday night---

the cam is a Helix 2 from Jetpilot and I swapped in 3rd gen tappets also--
put in the 7x25 mosquito eater injectors, .093 lines & crossovers, gonna dump the EDGE COMP and just run my REDLINE, hopefully I can get my twins back on(if the hot pipe gets flattened out and the welds on the exhaust manifold wastegate tower get fixed), PDR innercooler, SCS axles and then whatever I'm forgetting, oh yea an electric water pump is in the mix, but that will happen up at J&H on Thursday while my torque convertor is being loosened up along with whatever I can't get done--plan is to dyno the HRVP and then swap in one of these new monster stage 2 pumps and see what shakes and then go out and see how it does sled pulling and probably drag racing as I'll probably enter the tuff truck challenge---bottom line I still have more things I need to do to the truck, but it won't get done in time for this event, but at least a bulk of it will get done and hopefully she runs good----chris
joefarmer said:
And I can predict the conversation in the shop that day-

Chris: Where's Brnaodn? I need to ask him where he put the spark plugs on his.
Chuck: He went outside with the spud gun again, I think they hit a car on i71 again...


Ah the old spud gun...that was a productive day:evil :evil

Sounds like fun. I was having nightmares before I did mine but it turned out to be pretty straight forward. I did not want to futz around with dowels so I used larger pen magnets to hold up the lifters. Worked like a charm.
duke1n said:
Sounds like fun. I was having nightmares before I did mine but it turned out to be pretty straight forward. I did not want to futz around with dowels so I used larger pen magnets to hold up the tappets. Worked like a charm.

I used zipties before-pull the tappet all the way up and snatch a zip tie around the top- need to remove the side cover to do this but it works great.
I thought hard and heavy about removing the side cover, but since I had all the stuff for the other method I decided to go that route--next time I, if there's a next time, I may go the other route---chris