Can I handle A GT42 71mm

ole red rocket

New member
Mar 5, 2009
In the process of p-pumping...running a 215 pump, mack plug, no plate..
I was wondering if I could keep a gt 42 lit with 1.15 exhaust?
Short answer...maybe.
What are you doing with the truck?
Stick or auto?
Good cam and a manual, I would say yes. Most importantly some RPM.
6 spd with 3.55... county fair truck... I was hoping to have full fuel at 4000 and pull in 4th maybe 3rd low
i would try 5000 springs an 181s first... your pump should already have 181s from factory.
no still has 12 mm but they said they do some secret work on them and only charged me couple hundred bucks
just had it benched... Kolb Diesel did some adjustments (as they called it) 736 cc of fuel

Hummm, Kolb Diesel in Evansville, IN? They dont do much more than bench and flow pumps. Not much high performance from there as far as I know. Just high prices. Hopefully you have a better experience than some.
you need to talk to them again... Kolb has been working on p-pumps for along time... Kolb Diesel is where DAN SCHIED got his start... Kolb build ur MF 2805 tractor and converted it to a 13mm p-pump... yes its an old shop and mainly work on farmer tractors but the still know how to build some fuel...Cant wait to see what it will do on my truck
you need to talk to them again... Kolb has been working on p-pumps for along time... Kolb Diesel is where DAN SCHIED got his start... Kolb build ur MF 2805 tractor and converted it to a 13mm p-pump... yes its an old shop and mainly work on farmer tractors but the still know how to build some fuel...Cant wait to see what it will do on my truck

I know thats where Dan schied got his start. They have messed over several of us here local (High Peformance and Stock and Farmers). They have left a bad taste.
You should be able to just take some rpm's and play with your timing.

700cc out of a 12mm with the right plungers can happen.
whats the easyiest way of setting timing?

Didn't they tell you what time pump was pinned at? You could go from there and adjust, or measure plunger lift.

If you're getting an actual 736cc's of fuel, you'll need to call the pump shop for the lift numbers...factory Dodge plunger lift numbers probably won't even be close;)

Kolb said they can set the time at what ever

I just dont really know what i am gitting in to, as far as setting the motor to correct postion