Can someone explain why...

Santa Gertrudis

Dec 12, 2006
the different diesel engines from the big 3 sound so different. I mean, when you add an exhaust to a Cummins, it ROARS. When put one on a PSD, it sounds like a jet. When you put one on a DMax, its kind of a combo of both. Why are they so different sounding? I would just think that all diesels would sound somewhat the same, but they are like huge differences. Sorry if this is a stupid question, but I just dont know. Thanks
I would guess it's the injection events and bore&stroke differences, but I'm not sure. The injection events have varying amounts of pressure, cc's of fuel and timing. The engines also have resonant frequencies (harmonics), but I don't know how much that effects the sound. The turbo has as much to do with it as anything. The jet-sounding fords (and 04.5+ dmaxes) have their turbo vanes closed at idle, forcing more air through the turbine wheel. There's my shot at it. Hopefully someone more knowledgeable comes along to fix my mistakes. ;)

For starters...the Cummins is an inline 6, the others V8's...the 6 is a lot smoother running engine, hence the sound isn't as choppy. Brandon's take on the turbo's s correct on the newer engines. And the injection system differences account for the different sounds from the older engines!

I think the sound of a 2 stroke 4cyl Detroit with dual 6" unmuffled stacks sounds awesome.....

But I love the sound of the Cummins better.:evil
RacinDuallie said:
I think the sound of a 2 stroke 4cyl Detroit with dual 6" unmuffled stacks sounds awesome.....

But I love the sound of the Cummins better.:evil

You ever heard one with 7" stacks and no muffler?
RacinDuallie said:
I think the sound of a 2 stroke 4cyl Detroit with dual 6" unmuffled stacks sounds awesome.....

But I love the sound of the Cummins better.:evil

Got a 4-53 with a 3-1/2" straight on it...sounds like an airplane coming down the road at WOT!

Buddy has a 50's 453 in a 70 Dodge 5spd and a Gear Vendors OD, with the
6's, you can hear him coming a mile away and every time you expect to see a big rig coming-LOL LOL LOL He has it set up with a Jake Brake too and when it cracks -IT CRACKS! LOL LOL LOL
Dude...a 4-53 with Jakes?? That would be FUN on a tractor :D Wrap it up pulling a load of beans across the field and hit the jake and listen to hit rumble :D

LOL it was a costly option, he had to find another rocker cover and cut both of them up to make one unit. LOL but listening to him crack it- it was worth the effort.... LOL LOL LOL LOL

We use that tractor on an auger filling trucks and bins... not too mention every other thing we farm with is straight piped too... good thing we don't like the neighbors anyway :hehe: :hehe:
