Cannon ball run move over....WRECKING BALL RUN!!

Hamilton Cams

Jun 28, 2007
Well looking for a way to blow off a little steam we decided to make up a new event the week after SEMA. It will be the wrecking ball run. It will start in Las Vegas and end at the Capitol steps in Austin. Anybody can get a ferrari and go fast and look cool but it takes somebody with courage, strength, mechanical Know-how and a couple of screws loose to make that drive in a sub $500 car:doh:. The rules are simple. Find a car that is less than $500 running or not, spend as little as possible on repairs. Rigging, duct tape, bailing wire and JB weld is encouraged. The first Team back wins absolutely nothing except bragging rights and the experience of demolishing a crappy car and the competition. Teams may include no more than three people and all teams may only carry bare essential tools. Cars must be purchased in Vegas the week of SEMA not before. If you are interested post up. Right now it is Hamilton Cams vs. Hamilton Diesel. Any other shops care to challenge???BTW we encourage all teams to abide by all federal, state and local laws.:hehe:

Zach Hamilton
I looked last week at craiglist in Las Vegas and think the $500 is very doable. I guess the goal in this world of pretty boy floyds is to see how hardass you can be. That means improvise. My grandfather told me stories of packards and tin lizzies with 5 gallon buckets of gas on the hood and stoping every 20 miles to fill up the water when the cork blew off the radiator, putting pepper in the cooling system to plug leaks etc..... All to make it to Civilian Conservation Core camps across the U.S. just to work for pennies like a dog.The goal is not so much to win but to see if you can do it. I can't think of a better vacation for gear heads. And come on the experience would be priceless! If we had to, we would extend the total to $1000 but I don't want to do anything to get away from improvising and just making it work. We thought about not eating anything you didn't kill as a bonus but I think most would starve.

I think 1st there with the least amount invested. And give a window of 4 Hours after the first for someone with less money invested to get there.. But for every hour you're there you get to subtract $100 from your total, but limit it to $300.

Meaning If I show up and have $800 invested and 2 hours later someone else shows up with only $500 They win.
That would level the playing field for sure.

Side note, I was in the Philipines last year for a mission trip to fix a diesel bus that blew a headgasket. In the jungle we had to hone the cylinders with 60 grit(no crosshatch) We decked the head with a stick and 60 grit, I set the valves with mango leaves on the intake and banana leave on the exhaust, and the waterpump gasket was a cardboard box that the natives cut up. I think Americans have lost that self reliance attitude of just make it happen. I would like to bring a little bit of that back!

I guess there is truly nothing new under the sun. I think this would bring a new level of endurance to the equation.
That would level the playing field for sure.

Side note, I was in the Philipines last year for a mission trip to fix a diesel bus that blew a headgasket. In the jungle we had to hone the cylinders with 60 grit(no crosshatch) We decked the head with a stick and 60 grit, I set the valves with mango leaves on the intake and banana leave on the exhaust, and the waterpump gasket was a cardboard box that the natives cut up. I think Americans have lost that self reliance attitude of just make it happen. I would like to bring a little bit of that back!

I guess there is truly nothing new under the sun. I think this would bring a new level of endurance to the equation.

Hey now, I attempt to race a Power Stroke:doh:
racing a powerstroke is a darn good start. I will give you that. Speaking of that are you racing any 6.0s personally these days?

That sounds like a blast! He'll, if it was a reality show like Cannonball run I would watch it. Cannonball sucked...
A rule book is in need, we all need to sit at highway one day at lunch and write down all the rules, all players must abide by them. n-everythang i mean its just like your opinion man.*bdh*
Nati Ice boxes will work for head gaskets....I know this for a fact.
Nice! Maybe we should get a if you dont have this try this for all the contestants. IE if you don't have fuel tank patch, try a bar of soap to plug the hole or if you don't have antifreeze, a case of beer and a funnel. Anybody have any additions?

Nice! Maybe we should get a if you dont have this try this for all the contestants. IE if you don't have fuel tank patch, try a bar of soap to plug the hole or if you don't have antifreeze, a case of beer and a funnel. Anybody have any additions?


Chewing gum will patch a fuel tank too. Used tie wire as a hand throttle cable once on my old jeep when the cable broke. Just ran it over to the window and pulled it with my hand. Make sure you use a stick as a toggle though if you plan on driving very far, lol.