Can't get the nut off of the pump shaft to set timing.


New member
Sep 15, 2006
I went to bump the timing and I could not get the nut on the pump shaft to budge. Is there any tricks to get the darn thing off. And should I get a new nut since it is being stubborn.
Use a 1/2 inch breaker bar and hit it with a hammer to shock load it and it will come off. It is a good idea to replace the nut and washer each time you take it loose (at least I think it is) Make sure everything is Spotlessly clean when you reinstall to make sure you get a good seal and it does not slip.
I always stick the barring tool in the slot to push against it.:blahblah1:

It works a lot easier than beating the crap out of your hand.:clap:

make sure to clean the shaft and gear with carburetor cleaner or some brake cleaner before you put it back on and torque it down. If you dont, she will slip.

oldsmokey97 said:
make sure to clean the shaft and gear with carburetor cleaner or some brake cleaner before you put it back on and torque it down. If you dont, she will slip.


Definitely some good advice. Also reccomend using a new washer too. When we bumped my timing up to 25* it slipped almost immediately. It would barely start and was white smokin and popping horrible. So we cut it off and pulled it back in the shop. The timing had went from 25* down to 7*:badidea:
I did finally get this done. Like I was told I just needed a longer wrench. But while I was working on this, I came up with another question. How do you clean the pump shaft off. I don't see how you can get at the shaft without pulling the gear case cover and removing the gear, or pulling the pump. I would like to know so if it does slip, I can get it right.
Put the little straw thingy on the nozzle of the brake cleaner and point it in between the gear and pump shaft. Then blast it out good.
Pull the gear as far forward as you can from the pump. This will open the gap between the shaft and gear. Brake cleaner and compressed air as needed right before you lock it down. I usually spray it and dry it 3 or 4 times before i lock it down.

I like to use a new holddown nut and washer, and you can never use too much brake cleaner....... That pump shaft HAS to be clean-clean-clean!
With all that cleaner how many times should you change you oil from all of it draining down into the crankcase?
What exactly makes the timing slip. The shaft moves without the gear? what casuses this the nut not being tight enough?
Well I have heard if you are not going above 3000RPM the manual-suggested 145lb ft. on the nut is fine. But I have heard if you are going to rev any higher you should go to the 160 lb ft range... I might be wrong but mine slipped after torquing the nut to 145 and I cleaned the shaft half a dozen times... My .02
this is just a question i have no knowledge about. why isn't it keyed? you could then use offset key's? like on a camshaft.the pump is keyed on a vw diesel.please don't think i'm stupid, i just want a real answer to something most of us probably don't know.
The some of the shafts have keyways. I just don't like the idea of taking the pump off to change timing. Plus, finding a 22 or 25 degree offset key is a challenge too. :evil
I've changed the timing on trucks at least a dozen times and to my knowledge, none have ever slipped. They are all local and I'd have heard about it if they had. Like DBraunig, I always clean it 3 times with brake cleaner and compressed air.

As to the torque on the nut, I'd be real nervous of going over the spec of 145 lbs. I talked to Joe Donnelly about this spec at one time and as I remember (its been a couple of years) he said he's seen the threads on the shaft stripped at 160 lbs. In any case, its not necessary if the shaft and the mating surface of the gear is properly cleaned.

Oh, and for what it's worth, I've never used a new nut or washer. I've changed the timing on mine 3 or 4 times, and Oilburner on this site (a personal friend) has done his at least that many. Same nut and washer - no problem. BUT, change it if you feel better. They are cheap insurance.
