Casas Por Cristos

I talked to the director this last week and found out thatr the fund is a little short to be able to make the trip in a few weeks. After talking with some other people on here I have decided to auction off a cam. I guess We can make this simple Just post up your bid and the highest bidder by Thursday at 5:00p.m. will get the cam. There might be some other stuff to be auctioned off as well. Stay tuned

THis is a very worthwhile cause. We will be building a house for a single mother in Acuna Mexico. I believe she is on the streets right now. She is a member of a church and the Pastor submitted her name for consideration due to the amount of need. There are a handfull of adults, but most of the manpower is teens who decided to give up part of their summer to do this.

To win the bid a check must be mailed to Twin Lakes Fellowship make sure to enclose a note saying the funds are for the Casas por Christo trip.
Also, Chromedome1 has donated a 4 inch aluminized system for the winning bidders truck.

Thank you very much for donating the system Chromedome1.

Do we have any opening bids for the system?

I'll go $250 Zach, I don't know what I am gonna do with it, but we will worry about that later.
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Side note: cam for any cummins rigs from our street grinds all the way up to our big pulling grinds.

Too rich for me right now; have fun down there!

I have been so busy the last few months, that I forgot to give you an update onteh trip. It was really worthwhile. We built a house for a single monther of three. They were so poor that they had about 8 people from two families living in the equivelant of a glorified mower shed. It was very humbling to be on such a trip. They fed us on the last day with soome of the hottest food I've had. It was just sad to see their living conditions and the condition of their kitchen. It was more or less a little stove next to their bed with a small propane tank hooked up.

Ther mother was a Christian and attended a local church in the town of Santa Maria. It was pretty cool to see all of the church members coming to help the gringos each day in spite of the language barrier. It was a reminder that God's love transcends language, race and even borders.

If any of you get a chance to go on one of these trips, I promise it is worth it.

THanks again for all of the people that supported this trip.

Zach Hamilton