CCD displayed in overhead console?

red dodge2

New member
Feb 12, 2008
on my 2001 it says CCD up where it displays the temp, used to come on every once in a while but now its been staying on for a while. just wondering what it actually means and what the issue may be?.
I have the same problem. If someone could tell where the wiring harnes is, that would be great.
Hold down both buttons and it should return to normal. Friend of mines truck did the same thing after we replaced the fuse.
It means it is losing contact with the CCD Bus....the bus as to which it gets all its information from the ECM, PCM, etc. Probably a lose connector or contact somewhere if it comes and goes. It is basically saying hello, I'm here, give me some crap to display.
Hopefully you can read this.

CCD Bus Connections.



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If you are running a Smarty and updating the ECM the display will read like this from time to time as well.
If someone could point me in the right direction, what plugs to check and where they are located. This is getting very old. I've put up with this for a couple of years now.
diehard ram you get it figured out yet? im thinking mine may actually be the screen itself maybe or just the connector behind it.
If someone could point me in the right direction, what plugs to check and where they are located. This is getting very old. I've put up with this for a couple of years now.

Mine had this problem, display didn't work for a long time until one day I took the guage cluster out to do a light bulb, once I put it back in the display worked again and hasn't stopped working?? another thing i tried was checking ECM and PCM connections but that didn't work. Not saying it wont work for you but I would check those things and obviously the connection on the back of the overhead display.
I was having the same issue and this is what fixed mine. There is a set of grounds that get rusted, they are located behind the driver side kick panel just above the park brake assembly. I removed and cleaned them with sand paper. Maybe this fix yours as well.
I replaced the stock radio in my 2000 with a stock radio out of a 1999 gasser and get the CCd display too. Once in a while I'll get mileage display but more often than not it will display the CCd screen.

On a side note my compass or thermometer don't work either. I believe it must be the sensors since they have never worked. Where can I find the sensors for the compass and thermometer?
Ambient air temp sensor should be on the backside of the grill....I think. IIRC it comes up with the hood. Just hit it with a hair dryer and have someone watch the display.
I was having the same issue and this is what fixed mine. There is a set of grounds that get rusted, they are located behind the driver side kick panel just above the park brake assembly. I removed and cleaned them with sand paper. Maybe this fix yours as well.

I'll try that and see if it works. Thanks for the tip.
Ambient air temp sensor should be on the backside of the grill....I think. IIRC it comes up with the hood. Just hit it with a hair dryer and have someone watch the display.

Huh... Interesting... That's where my problem lies then. I have no such device behind by grill!