Change comp wheel.


New member
Mar 19, 2012
Wondering if it takes special tools to change out a compressor wheel on a stock turbo? I know I'd be better off to cchange the whole turbo, but curiosity gets the best of me.
Hold the exhaust wheel, remove nut on comp wheel. Done.

Posted via tapatalk from the International Space Station
Don't waste your time with the stock turbo. The stock compressor wheel can already push enough air that it sends drive pressures to almost double the boost. The turbo would benefit from a larger turbine wheel (requires machining) before it would benefit from a better compressor wheel.

Just my $.02
Don't waste your time with the stock turbo. The stock compressor wheel can already push enough air that it sends drive pressures to almost double the boost. The turbo would benefit from a larger turbine wheel (requires machining) before it would benefit from a better compressor wheel.

Just my $.02

Mopar Muscle thanks! I've read alot that the stock turbo is need of a turbine upgrade. Mainly curiousity got me on this question! :doh:. Should of been more specific, either stock or upgrade turbo, after comp wheel change need rebalance?
Depends.... some turbos are balanced as a whole, some the wheels are balanced individually. Oh, and the nut is reverse threads iirc
I just bought a book on turbos. Read the wheels are balanced individual. So many different turbos, is there a way to tell if the wheels are balanced individually?