children of promise


New Speedway Boogie
Jan 25, 2009
well today after church two people showed us pictures of there trip to ungonda.they sponsor many kids there.all i can say is wow!sponsoring a child has blessed my life.i have been doing it for 4 years now.i sponsor a kid in south america.i go through world vision.both places world vision and children of promise help others.if you dont sponsor a child please pray about it.i think children of prommise has a program for 25.00 per month?any questions p.m. me thank you.
Im not doubting anything going on here. But the biggest reason I havent ever sponsored a child is the scams going on in the world today. You can be scammed on ANYTHING. So besides seeing these kids in person, how else would you know they are getting what you send?
the lady at my church has sponsored 1 kid for 14 years now.she knows the main people at c.o.p.and they go with her to ugonda.there is proof.i guess you would have to know what i do to feel safe.the set up is, the kids all have a place to stay.and they stay in contact with you.i cant explane on this computer the way i want but i trust c.o.p.its vary real and the inpact on the kids is also.just talk with someone who deals with them
You're right Daniel, a person can be scammed in many ways - especially within the realm of charitable endeavours.

God requires us to be good stewards of the resources He provides (such as time & money), yet also asks us to give in faith that He will do more with the portion we return to Him - such as tithes - than we can do with all that He allows us to use.

I think it's important to exercise due diligence with how & where we help others, but once the decision is made and the action taken - rely on God to do what's best with your gift... because it's out of our control at that point anyway.

Isn't that best for all things?
I say "Do your best and trust in God to handle the rest".

p.s. He really enjoys it when we do that! :bow:
children of promise:accredited through the Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability [ECFA] log onto ECFA :: Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability
for info about what accreditation means and to view specific information about info Children Of Promise: Home Page 1800-848-2464.the children are real.they are truly needy.they are indeed receiving there sponsorship benefits.these childrens lives are being changed.i have met the program directors from the philippins and rwanda.i have also met executive&associate directors.God tells us about children and people in need.please check this out.pray about it.see where God leads you.blessings August.