choppa stacks!!!!!


New member
Dec 26, 2007
yeah bouy!
thinkin about doing this for other styles and selling them. kinda like the bike guys do...

Damn! I was thinking about doing that to my single stack, lol Guess I should have got off my ass a little faster...
Those are different, but I like them. What size are those stacks and what cut did they have on them before you modded them?

I have to admit that's pretty pimp, I would just turn them to face back instead of sideways...:Cheer:
Those are killer lookin'! Good idea you guys have going there, I like the name too..."Choppa Stacks"'s catchy!
Those are different, but I like them. What size are those stacks and what cut did they have on them before you modded them?


The stacks look to be about 6".....If I'm wrong I'm sure they'll say so.
yeah I kinda dig em' they look mean from the front too. all the points, I have some other ideas for more.......I'm think'n I need to become a site sponsor already......