clocking a ht3b


New member
Jul 19, 2006
was wondering if any of you guys had experience with clocking a ht3b mone seems to be rusted darn good and the exhauste side isnt spinning for me get a bigger hammer or is there a prcedure? and yes i losend the clam, cant get it off though....:bang
Bigger RUBBER hammer. Is it on the truck. Are you clocking the exhaust side or the compressor?
its off the truck and im trying to get the ehauste side loose so i will be able to clock it. sooo bigger hammer and some pb blaster?
I would make sure the shaft spins easily then take the clamp completly off and using a rubber hammer or block of wood start tapping it loose. Just dont knock it loose and have it fall on the floor or jack up the turbine vanes.(Dont smack anything but the exhaust housing)
shaft spins freely and no problems at all there, do i hit it to try and make it rotate or try to push it off? and should i put her in a clamp?
I would stay away from the clamp, you're be mad if you crack the compressor. Just hold onto it with one hand and tap the turbine housing twards the rear, all the way around.
letting it soak tonight in lots of pb and will tacke it tomorrow (guys beow me my not like the hammering
Forrest Nearing said:
Aerokroil and a big STEEL hammer... you won't hurt that turbine housing

I said RUBBER cuz this dude might have arms as big as my legs!
I had success getting a siezed exhaust housing off an HX40 by cutting a couple of wooden wedges - like door stops - and putting them between the exhaust and compressor housings and tapping them with a hammer. Put them on opposite sides to keep it balanced. Working them a little at a time eventually just wedged the thing loose.

I'd try to put the exhaust housing in a vise and tap back n forth on each side of the cartridge til it pops off.