clutch hydraulics malfunction


New member
Oct 19, 2011
Alright I've done some talking and research and can't find a good set of hydraulics to rig up in my convert. It's a square body Chevy 4wd 90 model. Last of the one tons. I've got the dodge slave and a Ford master. Master chosen due to good mounting. Problem is it will not mount to the factory stud on the pedal. In the process of trying to make it work totally bent the rod. Question is will the factory master withstand the dual disc pressure and if so is it possible to couple the steel Chevy line to the dodge plastic?? Any ideas? Gettin down to the last few things before bein able to run the truck. Help please.
The factory slave will handle the double disc no problem... If you didn't know this already...the HD slave kits are nothing but new standard master and slave with steel lines. I'm not sure what the chevy steel line fittings look like. Do they have the same style fitting on them as the ford master and dodge slave?

I have ran into this a few times on some manual installs with cummins conversions....but the ford slave for some reason at times wont transfer enough fluid to completely move the dodge slave full travel. I use a slave from a 95 Jeep in my manual trans hydro installs. they have a smaller body and eliminate the issue...some of them have bleeders built into them, and then some don't??? depends on where I buy them. But the last conversion was fine and the staandard dodge slave worked out fine?

No the chevy setup is not strong enough. At least the one on mine wouldn't even budge the clutch. Has to upgrade to a dodge set. Rhett its a noticeable difference in bore size between the dodge and chevy master cylinder
We've been using the OBS ford hydros with steel line and dodge slave on a several heavy plate load clutches for a long time. We just put a triple in and it feels the hardest it ever has so hopefully we didn't just find the limit of them. LOL
I use US Brake mastercyl and slavecyl. I like them better than Wilwood.
