clutch info


i love lamp
Feb 24, 2009
Valair Ceramic/Ceramic clutch holds up to 600HP, nv4500 5 speed w/ 13 flywheel NMU70279-04-5SCE

was thinking of getting this clutch to replaced the stock one. has NV4500 trans. 2wd DRW SOVP44. so far ive got 200HP injectors, edge comp box with hot unlock, 150 AD. going to oring and stud the head, put a smarty on it, and a 63/68 or 64/71 turbo. maybe even a 66mm charger. will this clutch hold up to all of the above, or should i go bigger. this is my DD. it will probably end up at the track every now and then, and tow or hual dirt a few time out of the month.
idk how much sliping it will take but my button clutch thats 13' from ky holds good and has put up with a handful of hard core boosted lunachs off the e brake.....
Word. Do DD have somewhat decent street manners? Mainly stop and go traffic. Where would one purchase a KY clutch ?
purchase it from kentucky if u can drive to waynesberg to pick it up. they surfaced my flywheel while me and the owner chris harmon shot the bull about trucks clutchs and all that. ended up given me a beter deal.. but that was also the 5th ky clutch id been up there to buy from him so they like seein me walk threw the door. lol at $500 a peice lol
and yes. awsome street maners unless you back up alot... they tend to hop and carry on when i back up empty but i hualed 5500 lbs of brick in my truck few weeks ago and it was fine its a little grabby takeing off up hill but i wrked around it...
sorry for so many post... its brooks,kentucky : 250 gun club road owner is chris harmon (502)955-9173