cold weather


New member
Sep 7, 2007
alright being that this is my first diesel truck what all do i need to know about the cummins in the cold. i live in texas where it is not super cold but will stay in the 20-30's when it does get cold.
I am not sure about these other guys, but I don't do anything different here in Texas unless it is going below 20. I will plug in the block heater if we have lots of ice in order to help the heater warm faster and defrost the windows. I am not far from you and I may plug it in once or twice a winter. Jeremy.
I plug it in when it gets to 30. I like quick heat in the morning.
I like to plug my truck in now. I hate making my truck try and start when it's this cold out. It hates the cold and takes forever to warm up when it is cold.
I've got an in-tank heater, insulated fuel lines, oil heater,coolant heater, and a remote start...But i think I experience a different kinda cold. You should be fine if ya plug her in when it drops to 25-30*. I got stuck up by Fairbanks once and had to let my truck run all night so the engine wouldn't freeze up. it was lame.