Competition What?


New member
Sep 28, 2007
I have no knowledge or parts to offer, but loved the attitudes and wittiness of the postings, so ignore my existence and just let me surf to get my laughs each day.:poke:
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LOL well that's funny girl. Welcome.

Do you drive a diesel? or is there one somewhere in your family? how'd you come about finding this site?
Easy Angela...... She is a woman, and they simply seek me out at all costs. Hard existence I have... LOL
Oh lord Timmay lol. You must live in a happy little ginger filled world with your hard existence LOL. You think you're like warm peach pie, just out of the oven and women sniff you out? No wonder I found this site. :hehe:
Competition What? :st: diesel :st: welcome to the site have fun reading all our crazy comments.
timmay your so full of yourself. :kick:
Oh lord, Mary has found my addiction LOL

Ya'll take it easy on her, she has such a shy and meek personality :poke: :poke:

:welcome: Oh Queen of the chicken wing LOL LOL LOL
Uh oh!

If ya know Billy you MUST be trouble!!!

Blondes of CompD unite! Welcome aboard!
Welcome to CompD...where even your welcome thread will take a left turn.