Competition What?

Welcome to CompD...where even your welcome thread will take a left turn.

And you expect anything else??? LOL LOL LOL

BTW, Dex?? You set yourself up bud, I have no sympathy for your :owned: azz :hehe: :hehe:
Yes, I know Billy and am about to cut the break lines in his new car for the Chicken Wing comment!!! You are never allowed out in public with me again!
Eh..they need replacing anyway LOL

Now hush up, or I'll get some super secret squirrel photos of your new ride and post them for all to see :poke:
I just want to see DumbBlonde's avatar a little closer....Maybe 1600x 1600?:D
I SWORE I had that photo. I was going to post it for you but it must be gone....dang computer gremlins. :D
My friend Billy is always talking about this site, so I thought I would check it out, and loved the wit and humor. I live in the Mississippi Delta, so Diesels are more common than mosquitoes and that says alot! Most of my friends drive/race, but I never really understood anything til I got to this site.
I can't contribute anything, and don't plan on posting, just reading. Does that help explain?
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Billysgoat said:
Eh..they need replacing anyway LOL

Now hush up, or I'll get some super secret squirrel photos of your new ride and post them for all to see :poke:

I am quite proud of my new vehicle, spray painted profanity, fur-lining, disco ball, pot smell and all!
DumbBlonde said:
I am quite proud of my new vehicle, spray painted profanity, fur-lining, disco ball, pot smell and all!

Any chick that has a fur lined car is TITS in my book..........wait that didn't come out right!!!:hehe: :gag:
Welcome to CompD...where even your welcome thread will turn into a thread about tits! :hehe:
Nice to have another female on board!

Oh and can you blow up that picture of your avatar????
Anyone that wants the Avatar should contact Billy. I am clueless when it comes to the internet, and cannot figure out how in the hell to send that thing to anyone or attach it to anything. So, once again, Billy atop a big white stallion rides to the rescue! BTW...Billy likes riding big white stallions.
blackandstacked said:
Mary Mary Why did't you call me to help with the pot smell in you're car?
It has been a long time since I did anything even slightly illegal, so I am enjoying it while it lasts... and praying I don't get pulled over by a cop with a drug addicted dog.:badidea: