Completely new in San Antonio


New member
Mar 3, 2010
Hello, I'm new to this scene and I don't know much about diesels, I grew up on a farm and I love the power and torque. I have a 2yr in auto tech but we only went over gas not diesel so I don't know much. I'm looking to get a late model 4x4 diesel crew cab truck, I'm not to picky about brand. So I figured I would start off with a few really newb questions. What kind of mpg can I expect to get out of a high power truck? For example that 1100HP 07 ram in the for sale section. And whats the life expectancy of a truck like this 200K miles? I plan on using a truck like this for a daily driver. 800hp off the juice seem like a little bit of an overkill but I can live with that. I'm not in the market right now but will be in September. I have about $35K to spend but I want to learn as much as possible before I buy. So well I would greatly appreciate any and all advise you guys can give me. Thanks Pat
Welcome to CompD!
Fuel mileage depends alot on mods and your right foot. When I'm "having fun" in my truck, I get 14-15 mpg. When I drive it like the law says I should, I get 18-19 mpg. The life expectancy IMHO depends more on how you take care of it, and not being a dumbass, than the mods you do. For instance, I have been known to spray nitrous directly into my turbo, even before I got head studs, that was me being a dumbass, and I'm lucky I still had a turbo and a cylinder head afterwards.