controller for water injection


Still Learning
May 11, 2006
im going to build my own water injection kit and i can get everything but the controller so far. i need a good controller that is triggered by EGTs. to come on at a certain temp and then off and a certain temp. dont know if this is the best place to ask but figured there may be some guys that will know. also, is there a way to make my own? i will do that if needed. thanks in advance.

Cooling Mist has the controller your looking for. They have them from simple to laptop programable. Talk to KT performance on here, he has some kind of deal with them.
sorry for taking so long. thank you. ill try to get ahold of him and see what he can do.

us boost for it not egt's it takes to long for the egt's to come down and then you will continue to spray water when you are not needing it ,worse case you could even do damage
well if you think about it you will set it up to run at higher boost levels , witch is also where you will have higher egt's. you don't need it below 1200 or really want it below 1200, if you look at most pullers data they will only activate it above 1200 ( they have better controlers ) . So if you are to use a cheap home made system then you will usualy live with boost reference only and have to tune accordinly
i would think that it would be better to come on when the EGTs start to go up.

if they aren't high enough you will just put out the fire and cost you HP or you will have to set it up in stages then so you can start with a tiny noxxle and later kick in bigger ones
thats what i was going to use. something small to come on at like 1200 and a big one to come on at 1300.

I think the ideal controller would turn the water on in stages, with adjustable temps and take boost into consideration so it didn't come with out boost.