Coolant bypass options?


I have a secret.
Jan 15, 2007
I have the one pictured below from Pure Diesel Power. I can't use it with the motor plate for the conversion. It covers half the freeze plug. I tried to figure out a way to use an electric water pump but there is no way to keep the A/C. What about a T at the coolant sensor? There is plenty room in that area and could probably add a 1/4 turn valve to close the bypass in cold weather.

Why can't you keep the A/C? I did when I was running the electric pump?

I have a new never installed pump I may consider selling if you are interested.

Is the engine plate currently on the truck I assume?
Yes the rear adapter plate to fit the ZF6. Do you have a diagram for the belt routing with the electric pump and A/C?
I think I figured out the belt routing. What are you asking for the pump?