Coolant Puker


No More Changes
Dec 4, 2007
I have a completely stock 05 PSD Dually with 145k miles, and it hardly ever works hard. I cleaned the EGR at about 135k, and it was pretty clean, I flushed the coolant, watched the level all looked good since I have owned it (Oct 2007) it had clean oasis (one EGR valve and one Turbo at about 87k). I had an oil analysis done at 137k, and all looked great. During the summer when I would ride with the air on the engine fan would come on, and once when I was towing a backhoe up a very steep hill(a month or so ago). After I did that, still no problems. Yesterday while driving around (empty) on the way to Home Depot and running some errands (total of 40 miles). It started dumping about 12 inch puddle of coolant on the ground (And this is weird, but it kinda smelled like diesel, so I thought I was leaking fuel, but the truck was also steaming a bit from coolant burning off the engine.) Anyways I hoped in the truck and hurried up to get it home, there was no sign in the gauges that there was a problem. I drove approx a mile or two, got it in the barn and coolant was pumping out of the degas bottle. I've let the truck sit for the night, and the level is just above the min. Since I'm out of warranty I want this fixed and fixed right, anyone know a good mechanic in Northeastern Ohio?
And should I just remove the EGR system all together, I had planned on it, but I just don't have the funds, but it may be cheaper, I need some help. I looked in the degas bottle and found what would appear to be carbon
The coolant should be just above the min. Any more and it will dump it. However you have black soot in your degas bottle? Have you seen it overboosting at all or has it been puking at all prior?

I've never seen the boost gauge pass 28 or so. Ya it looks like soot, I took a pic, but it's to big and it won't let me upload it, and I don't know how to resize it. And no it has never had a problem, the truck really has been flawless and no drop in MPG either. About a month or so ago I checked the coolant level and it looked just above Min, but last Tuesday I was getting fuel and I noticed it was above Max by about an 1/8". I hadn't added any since it was changed, unfortunately I didn't think much of it at the time.
email the pic to me and i'll resize it for ya. bchampton at
Nope, I looked at the cap after I took the pic, I will be posting it tomorrow. The cap looked perfect. Also shined a flashlight in the valley near the oil cooler/EGR cooler, bone dry. And it has never smoked, white, blue, or black, not now either. From everything I have read it shouldn't be the head gaskets right? If the egr cooler/oil cooler is shot, couldn't I just replace the oil cooler, replace the degas (I heard they misform after over heating), the cap and bypass the EGR system and move on with the truck.

Pic is attached, thanks riggz.


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It is possible to have a leaking injector cup in the head. Finding the culprit would require pulling the injectors out and finding the injector with a burned base. This occurs when a copper o-ring loses its seal and then allows cylinder temps to cook the bottom. When the cup is damaged and the lower o-ring leaks fuel down into the coolant jacket in the head you can then get combustion into the coolant as well.