Coolant Spray In Engine


Smooth Is Fast
May 21, 2006
Quick question. I had new head gaskets and ARP'S installed in Dec. and while it was in the shop, I took the up pipe and welded it shut. I did not do the EGR delete so the cooler and everything is there just not hooked up at the up pipe. I am getting a decent amount of coolant spray in the engine bay. I have been running the truck fairly hard and have seen some pretty high EGT's. Could the spray be from the high EGT's or could I have a head gasket problem? I thought since I welded the up pipe shut, there wouldn't be any hot exhaust going thru the cooler system.
I'm not sure on the exact temps because all I have are the dummy gauges on the dash. The coolant temp gauge does not run hot, it stays about the same place it always has.
So why not have the Water temp and Oil temp gauges I recommend that everyone has?
Yes get both gauges. I had the same problem and found that my oil was 280*
and my water was 214*.
WOW, the hottest I have ever seen my oil was 220, and it had been run like a ***** pulling 12K pounds of boat and trailer up a hill with 1200 degrees and a race file.
I'm with Adam, under heavy towing and even with a bad EGR cooler I've never seen more than 230. I think the actual peak was 228 several times. I remember Dissociative had a bad oil cooler and was seeing 265, but even that is extreme. That was an extremely fubar oil cooler!
Well unfortunately as much as I would like to add those two gauges, It just isn't going to happen right now. I am probably going to put just a mild economy file in the truck and eventhough I'm not going to put it back to stock form, I am going to have to put mods on the back burner for a while and drive it like a truck. With that being said, what would be the most likely thing to check, the EGR cooler, Oil cooler or head gaskets. I'll probably just take it to the dealer since I still have the engine warranty left. Thanks
Checking the things you just listed would either need something to read the datastream from the factory sensors, OR THE GAUGES WE TALKED ABOUT. You could buy a pressure tester and see how fast is builds pressure. Cause the only other way to check the gaskets would be pulling the heads off of it.

But if you still have engine warranty, just take it in.