cooling fan


New member
Apr 6, 2009
my boss told me in the winter time to put a piece of cardboard in front of the radiator and take my cooling fan off....anybody ever done this and how did it work out for you?
you can put a piece of cardboard up to block some of the air flow to allow it to keep a warmer temp so that you have heat. i would not take the fan off because what if you start to over heat and dont have a fan to cool it down with? leave the fan on and put a piece of board across part of the radiator. if its that important buy or make a cover to put on your grill for the winter time and remove it in the summer like the OTR drivers.
I've been pulling the fan off and using cardboard for years. Never had a problem.:Cheer:
make sure it doesnt get warm there during winter... in texas we can get up to mid 70's in december.. keep local climate in mind
it won't get to warm but it doesn't get that cold where you need to use cardboard my 96 would about melt the dash when heater was on full I had to turn the hot cold in the middle and wear no coat. unless it was 20 below. If you are not getting good heat check your antifreeze mixture and it might be the heater core is going bad or had been changed at one time.
been running the old 94 fanless for 3 months now pulled gooseneck on 700 mile trips guage reads just like normal if moving. forgot and let it idle at work for like 1.25 hrs. got up around like 210 but never got hot. as soon as i started driving she cooled right down. getting ready for the cardboard and will prolly leave fan off till june.
can you tell a difference if ur runnin no does it warm up faster? i live in indiana and in the winter time it rarely gets above 45-50 in the winter time and thats high