Cotpc 2010


New member
May 20, 2008
Rules And Prices Are Up..

Ayone Else Hate The Fact The First Points Pull Is June

I'm still puzzled why y'all didn't just adopt NADM rules for 2.6. What's the story there?
I dont have anything to do with rules, fron reading that 2.6 turbo rule they are not allowing the SPECIAL turbo's in that class this year, no reducer or any housings that have been machined.? is that what you were getting from it.
I may be wrong but I believe these rules were not changed from last year and we were able to run nadm without any changes
Right. The way it is now, you guys could run with NADM with no changes, but some NADM turbos may not exactly fit your rules just due to the small differences in how they're worded.

But however small the differences, it would just seem to make sense to get everyone on the same exact page.

I'm not trying to stip anything up, just thinkin' out loud.
where? if your thinking towe vehicle that would be like towing the 2.6 truck throught the pits and up the the line an stuff, not like no 2.6 trucks can be towed
well there is plenty to do on the 5th thats forsure...good luck to all you guys pulling this year...ill just be watching
:rules:If you can haul it in on a trailer who in the he11 cares if you tow (pull) it through the pits:bang. Sorry Im just not up to par with all you:bow: big time pullers out there:cheer:! I never had a use for either one of those methods of transportation. My theory is if you can't drive it to the pull then the class is not for me!:kick:

It's funny the attraction to diesel's for me was the fact you could drive and pull or race the same truck. It wasn't a trailer queen like my gas truck was. I guess it's no different in the end. Jeff
I use to believe the same rules that if it was a street class that it should be a street tuck, do like mopar nationals and stuff go on a 40 or so mile drive on the freeway through a town fnd out who really has a street truck, that didnt work for me as I was driving my truck everywhere and getting whooped by trailer queens, my truck is still easily streetable but Im going tro trailer it, when it breaks its so much easier to get it on aa trailer then pay a towe bill.