Couple Turbo Pics, did some swapping today


Pure Diesel Power
Apr 24, 2006
Took the turbo of my engine, and a buddy's truck and got some pictures snapped.

We took the 64 off his truck & replaced it with the 66, and the 64 will be put on the tow rig.



Left is my new charger, middle is a Pro-Street 66 by HTT, and the right turbo is the Killer B2 64 by HTT.
Please excuse the mess!
Look good Garrett......just a little bigger than the old one. :evil
bbunting said:
Look good Garrett......just a little bigger than the old one. :evil

Only slightly bigger :) Can't wait to get it up and running to try it out!
dude 600 aint sh$t, i was over that last year, I think you need to aim for atleast 700 with an auto
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wait wait wait just a sec your names garrett and your not running a garrett turbo i would be all over that like white on rice, all well looks great anyways
smokinrod said:
dude 600 aint sh$t, i was over that last year, I think you need to aim for atleast 700 with an auto

Must have missed the :evil smiley.. should have made it a winky smiley or something..