CR block and head in 99 Truck


Comp Diesel Sponsor
Jan 11, 2008
Anyone know if the cr block and head will work in 99' truck? Its been so long since I looked at a vp motor, i cant remember where the crank sensor goes in block. Everything one head looks the same, except I forgot to check for map and iat sensor holes.
I don't know what's all different I know the Front cover has to be modified the original one. It has been done though. Call Monster Pump Mike he can tell you whats needed.
Yea, the truck is a 99' and the guy is needing a block and head. All I have is cr parts and was wandering if all the sensors and front cover would swap off of his truck to the cr block and head. I know the internals will work, just wasnt sure about cam and crank sensor, front cover and map/iat sensors.
I'm not 100% positive but i don't believe it will be a direct swap, so to say. To answer one of your questions though, the crank sensor is located directly above the starter.
Monster Mike did it I was talking to him about the 6.7 swap. For the 5.9 CR you need to change out the pistons and he said the front cover needs to be Machined.
^ x2. It's definately been done, but not the easiest or cheapest route.
Yeah but with the stronger block and better head after the valve seats are fixed It's kinda worth it.