Cr Dampner Bolt Size??


Nov 26, 2008
I went to the dealer and ordered new bolts for my fluiddampner only to get them and of cource WRONG size. I don't want to run to the hardware store with only 3 bolts in. So if someone could tell me what size they are, it be appreciated.
you may want to just get a hold of Snedge here at the forum. Those are Cummins stock items, very strong bolts ( not just your local hardware store bolts ) They're also TTY bolts meant for one time use only. 4 bolts will cost you maybe $10 to $15 through Cummins
The bolts are stronger than grade 8 ?? There's a shop close to me that only carries bolts/nuts (+ some misc.), everything you could think of, so just to clarify that I was going to use good bolts and not just some crappy ones.

Thanks for looking out for me TY. The freaking dealership got me the wrong bolts and then they show me on their pc the exploded view. It's the dampner but with 6 bolts. I got under my truck with the counterman and showed him only 4 bolts and ALOT bigger than what he gave me.

I'll try looking up the name you gave me and pm him.

Thanks TY. BTW how's everything going with your rig?? Are you by any chance throwing on swole's twins for the mean time??