D70 with the brake metering valve?


Hillbilly Deluxe
Jan 31, 2008
The d70 I took out of my 98 has that stupid brake metering valve and I want to take it out before I put it under my 1/2 ton project. Has anyone done this? I just want some pointers or tips before I go hacking on stuff and buying more parts than I need. How is the t-fitting attached to the axle? Is it screwed in or pushed in somehow? I think once I got that off the rest will go with it then I can just put a new t-fitting on there and a brake line up to the frame and I'm good. I just never messed with the brakes to much or had to until now.

Just checking to see if anyone else has done this. Thanks
I guess no one else has messed with these either. I guess it might go under the truck the way it is.
I think it has a bolt threw the t to hold it to the axle. When i took mine off i dont think i had to mess with any thing on the axle. I think i just cut the lines and used 2 compression fittings.