Designated Driver (Taking care of one another)


Comp Diesel Sponsor
Jan 21, 2007
I would like to get people to post up their info to be a DD if one of our diesel brothers needs it.

A lot of people are going to be drinking and won't be able to drive, I'd like to see everyone make it back safe. If anyone can provide a ride back to hotels etc. Please post up and let u know.
I'd probably be able to haul some people around in my truck if I end up making it out.
I will be clear, but my truck will be million miles away ....LOL
I definitely would DD again. It was awesome last time! But I can't get off of work now that I don't have finals next week. sucks
I should be down... I'll probably be drinking late at night with everyone when im settling down for the night, but if anyone gets in a situation just lemme know. If you want my phone number, just PM me.
Ok I got Gary coming with me, he dont drink. lol so I can also drop some folk off if they need it.
Please leave some contact info for those that might need it.

And y'all can stop with the PM's to me, I'm not that much of a alcoholic! LOL