Detroit Locker Noises


Just a kid
Oct 20, 2006
2004 f-250. 10.5in rear end. I just got my 4.30 gears with a detroit locker in the rear. Everything seems fine besides when the truck is coasting then hit the throttle it clunks real bad, and when the throttle being pressed and then cut it clunks. The installer said that its within .006-.008 and the paint for the ring and pinion are both in the center. So he is saying that the backlash is right. To me it seems like the backlash is messed up, but I'm no mechanic. If anyone can shed some light or needs more info please chime in.
There is a chance that since the lockers are in the truck now that there is a clunk in everything from the transfer case all the way back. My transfer case move up and down when you throttle it. would latter bars or something like that help with the flex so it wouldn't clunk? Some help please.
When i first put a Detroit in the jeep and it locked up it was loud, so loud i pulled over to see if anything broke.
It's normal, you have to learn how to drive it now. Generally coasting in a curve then applying the throttle will make it bang.
6-8 is a bit tight. I set mine at 11 and the paint may be in the center on the drive side but is most likely out there on the coast side which most people don't check or do not know how to correct it. It took me an extra hour to get them both in the correct pattern.
Chris Detroit's have some extra slack in them, been running one for close to 100K now!

Thats just one of many noises you are going to be hearing, a detroit is a whole other animal.
Do you think i should have him put it a little looser? It just sounds horrible that's why i was worried. It sounds like something going to break. Can you guys describe somehow the sounds you hear when getting on the gas from coast? How warm should the diff cover feel?
A clunk when getting on/off the throttle, almost as if theres too much backlash... when the diff is transitioning locked to unlocked. Leaving a stop light sometimes i get a ugly snapping sound, as if it locked up with a bit of a bind between the tires. Then some noticable over/under steer when in corners and needing to get back on the throttle, combined with some thumps/clunks, tire howling, etc. I run mine on my old truck with 40" bias plys, so im sure some of the symptoms are exagerated a bit, but i would think alot of the negatives would be worse on radials as well. Dont know for sure. A detroit gets the job done tho, its always there when you need it.

I do believe we put mine in with the same backlash, tho its been a while. My cover was really warm when i was paying attention, "breaking in" the gears... Never really paid much attention to it, on wet days it can get warm enough to steam/burn the water off of it on the mountains.
How hard is the locker on other u joints and drive shafts and other things when its clunking so hard like that? Am i going to break stuff because of the locker, because it really feels like something is going to.
Sounds like a detriot,...that is why I went with ARB's in both axles,...they are quite,...and best of all.....selectable
Detriots have been around for years,..they probably will cause some wear,...but not enough to notice

Then again,..I'm not there to hear it, I can't be postive that you don't have other gear mesh or something.
There is no extra vibration or other noises. I tested the locker off the ground and it seems to be working can hear the faint clicking when rotation the tires differently. I don't really know any ppl that are familiar with the lockers in my area. The guy who installed it says his does the same thing.
Ive got a detroit in my rear end too. I know exactly what you are refering too. Loud harsh clicking, and snapping you can feel almost if something breaks in the driveline. Ive pulled my diff cover to inspect everything 3 times now after hearing it along the way. Absolutly everything is fine. The combination of the power and the way the detroit locker works is what is causing the snapping. As far as i know along with what ive been told by many people, it is all normal.
Just got the truck rechecked for backlash and wear. everything checks out perfect. He grabbed the drive shaft in neutral and turned it around 20 degrees until the locker grabbed. Thats where my noise is coming from. Is there any adjustment to the locker at all? Im going to call them tomorrow to make sure.