DHRA sled pull and.... mud bog?


Comp Diesel Sponsor
Apr 23, 2006
Sort of.

Friday, the 13th, at Yankee Lake, in North eastern Ohio, just off I-80, is having a Diesel night.

This just happens to be on the way to our Stoneboro, Pennsylvania, pull, for a lot of you, Saturday the 14th.


Do not miss the tug of war at Yankee Lake, the gassers need tought a lesson .

We will have the Diesel Power booth set up, with our typical give aways.

Call 724 866 8688 with any questions, leave a message.
Is there gonna be a sled there that night? I heard it was the next weekend...idk just what I heard. I was also told they're giving out money for the tug-o-war for 1st,2nd,3rd,and 4th.
No sled this Friday night, but yes, there is money for the tug of war.
I heard somthing about beer on saturday night:rockwoot::rockwoot:
There is some pulls in the southeren part of PA (Pittsburgh area) friday night if anyone is needing any test hooks.