Diesel Shops in San Antonio /Bourne TX Area


Diesel Idiot
Dec 20, 2006
Hey are there any excellent shops in Western San Antonio for me to recommend to my brother-inlaw
I dont know how good they are, but I have seen stickers for a place called "Truck Source Diesel" in San Antonio. They may suck, I dont know, but it might be worth looking up
TSD is awesome!!
those guys are top notch.
ask for Cliff.
Truck Source Diesel is a great place with great guys. Very knowledgable. Both the Chris's can help you with anything. They're also a fun group of guys to hang with, and always willing to answer any diesel related questions.
Well there you go then!

Chase, how in depth will they go as far as installs? Like will they do major motor work? Just curious...
colin, they are set up to handle anything.
even your pocketbook ;) haha
Cliff is not with TSD anymore but as stated in another post either of the Chris's can help him out..... They know thier stuff!!!
Try armstrong performance there down that way, bodie is a member and does good work pm him for more info member speedshift.