Dirt cheap External Wastegate

Things are about to get fun!

Big thanks to Taylor manning (T$ on here)


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Needs to be tuned for sure. My afc is setup so light on the fuel down low it can't get spooled up when I'm standing on the brakes. Rolling down the road its for sure slower to spool but comes on good. BIG jump in power from my little hx35 :D Right now I'm waiting on a flexible oil drain so I can fix the horrible leak and get some miles on it and some hard 4x4 launches

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Well another set back looks like I won't get to test it out untill I can figure out what to do about my injector pump. :(

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just curious why you need 2 gates for that setup?

Turbo originally wasnt going to be gated. I didn't need 2 gates but I had the stuff already and I figured I would just throw it on.

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Pretty sure he sold the gate setup & the 66 was up for sale also...
I actually have the gate setup still. Turbo is sold.

Its already been mentioned but the clamps they send you with the waste gate are complete JUNK, spool time was horrendous and i threw a stock manifold on. Joefarmer on here posted a link to a clamp that will work better, cant find it though.
Ive also run the best of 12.73 at 103 with the new charger with the internal gate disabled.

The cheap gate will be going back on when i get the right clamp and a new turbo in a month or so. As far as its functionality it does great, not a ton of miles on it to see if it will survive daily driving though.
A friend of mine tried one of these and on the second run the stem on the valve warped and remained open a 1/4" on one side. He was informed that abuse is not warrantied and the seller offered to sell him a new valve for 2/3rds of the asking price of a new gate. This was on a CR with a 66mm turbo and as he says "100 horsepower injectors". Just curious if that is the norm or just bad luck.
Maybe crap material is used for the valve? I did a similar mod with a now-discontinued Deltagate Mk II, and it has been running for over a year with no issues. I have the internal 'gate tied shut, and the external set for 30psi. No boost creep at all - it goes right up to 30psi and stops like it hit a wall :D



