Dirty Fuel

Just asking since if you are buying from a reputable place that moves a lot of fuel it is usually not really much of a concern. Never hurts to be careful though.
Just asking since if you are buying from a reputable place that moves a lot of fuel it is usually not really much of a concern. Never hurts to be careful though.

I agree with buying fresh clean fuel, but CR injectors are very sensitive to dirt and will be much happier with filtration down to MK-2.
Thanks for the advice. I think that this is topic that needs to be addressed due to fact that these motors are coming form the factory with very close tolerances that do not like large particle contamination in the systems.
I don't know about anybody else, BUT AT $4/GAL...........THERE SHOULD BE NO SUCH THING AS "DIRTY FUEL"!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Us Diesel folks are just getting screwed in Every Way!!!! Price, dirty fuel, not ever station cares it, etc....