Division 1 Season Winners


New member
Feb 19, 2008
The NHRDA would like to congratulate the Division 1 2008 Season Champions.

Pro Street
Winner Malcom Cross $1,500.00
Runner up Michael Pliska $750.00

Super Street
Winner Marc Curtis $1,000.00
Runner up Aaron Schaff $500.00

Pro 1
Winner Jim Calhoun $750.00
Runner up Nathan Black $375

Pro 2
Winner Michael Pliska $500.00
Runner up Sarah Boyd $250.00

We would like to thank all of our competitors and sponsors for a great season and look forward to seeing everyone in 2009.
Congrats everyone, I vote for Malcolm to buy the beers at the banquet, since he's getting the biggest check ;)

Michael Pliska
Holly smokes, nice pay out indeed. Thats a nice x-mass present thats for sure. I'll buy a round or two for eveyone at the banquet.

All in all I had a blast this year, metting all the great people in our sport.

Can't wait for this to evolve into the "world nationals" we are truly apart of the next up and coming sport.

Got the new schedual done yet there Randy....

Just a few more days till the awards banquet. My girlfriend and I will be there, staying within walking distance, and without any kids! Look out, we'll be drinking the round Malcolm buys and then some...

Michael Pliska
Michael, since you have the second biggest pay out you should buy the next round.....
Doesnt matter to me as long as the pitcher's of :Cheer: are flowing steady.
Michael, since you have the second biggest pay out you should buy the next round.....

Yeah, but I have to split the bigger payout with the truck owner! I figured someone would point that out before too long...
Hey Michael it is all good. Brad should by the next round then! Sundays going to be a long morning...........

Congratulations All:clap:, sorry won't be making the banquet but will see you all next year at the tracks:tree:
Congratulations All:clap:, sorry won't be making the banquet but will see you all next year at the tracks:tree:
I hope you can make it to more races... It was always fun to race with you and hang out with your wife between rounds. :)
Sorry to hear you and the family won't be making it. I'll drink an extra beer for you ;)

Michael Pliska
So when Malcolm buys the first round, I'll also be drinking for Brian, Mackenzie and Sarah ;)

Do we get regular checks at the banquet (not just the giant cardboard ones)?
Sorry to everyone who missed this event, it was a great time! Rumor had it that Randy bought everyone's beers using Malcolm's check ;) They did have the real checks there in addition to the giant cardboard ones. We had a great time, although I was feeling it a bit the next morning... Glad we were staying there so I could sleep in a bit. Unfortunately the rail yard across the street made sure I didn't get too much sleep.

Michael Pliska
Wish I could have been there. I have a important family thing that came up that i had to attend. I hope you guys got more than just a few drinks from my check. I will make sure that I bring a bunch of cold Kanuk beer for us all.
