Dodge Ram with 8.2L Detroit and Allison on Craigslist

One of my neighbors has that motor and an Allison in an older Ford. He had to cut the heck out of the firewall to make room for it. He gets about 15mpg.
Ah, I think it would still be a fun little project. But Im guessing the "Needs Interior work" realy means "Im way over my head and cant figure this crap out, so you take it off my hands before I burn it to the ground!!!"
Judging by the looks of it someone just plopped a dodge cab on some old GM the add would make a puller truck LOL
The guy i know got the motor cheap(old fire engine). He used to come by and talk about hitting 90 on a down hill with it. They are big, heavy, and not alot of power. But when you are used to getting 8-10mpg with a 460, 15 seems pretty good. He recently bought a Duramax/Allison to put in. I think it will work out better for him.