Doesn't seem to have the power she used to?


New member
Apr 24, 2006
hey everyone I have been running DJ's Looney tune now for a long time and now it just doesn't seem to have the punch it used to? It doesn't smoke as much as it used with at WOT and just doesn't put me back as bad. Now I could be just getting used to it but what makes me tihnk its something else is the lack of smoke now. Fuel filters are good they were just changed. Would winter blend fuel make the difference? Also my EGR is disabled with DJ's tunes but could a dirty EGR have something to do with this? Any other things you guys can recommend to do? Truck is in the sig. Thanks a million guys.

P.S. I ahve also notcied that I have puked alittle a couple of times. Could a simple EGR cleaning fix this or are my HG's on there way out? I don't notice any white smoke except for the normal white that blows when its cold out. Atleast I tihnk its normal. Thanks a again guys
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winter blend is know for this and also worse fuel mileage.

but like you may also just be getting used to the power..put back to stock for a few weeks..then reload the tunes..
My cooler went and headgaskets also. Signs were similar to what you describe. My cooler was going for a while and I didn't notice it until the crack got bigger. It would have white smoke in the begining and would change to black when it warmed up. After the cooler "really" blew, water out the pipe and alot of white smoke. This all happened within a few weeks.

My head gaskets blew in a couple of places as well. If you are puking now when you weren't before, it could be head gaskets going. As far as hp loss, you could be losing some due to compression loss. I'm no expert, but this is what happened to me.
Thanks guys I will have a look at my cooler and see if I can see anything. I haven'tnotcied any puking lately but it is also cold out right now so that probaly helps keeps temps down alittle bit. But I guess I will have to keep an eye on her then. thanks
Given your location...I'll bet the white smoke is normal right about now. Just go smell it when you start the probably smells like fuel. Mine did it too when I was in cold climates.
The winter blend fuel made a noticible difference in power to me also.
All that combined with getting used to ther power probably makes it feel worse than it is.

I know with my's just not loud to me anymore...but when I turn it up people will get out of the truck holding their ears. LOL I guess I'm just used to it.
nice Rich lol I don't call that being used to it I call that going deaf lol. Thanks for the info I will take a sniff next time I fire it up. And thats what I figured was the winter blend made quite a difference Thanks