Don't do it Zach...


Everything is "fixable"
Mar 7, 2011

First of all I appreciate everything you've done for the diesel community. I've learned a lot from your posts. I have a lot of information from you written down in the shop and saved on the computer.

Hamilton cams caught my attention on CompD(obviously I had heard of you before) but admitidley so did SDX. I talked to you a few times. Actually you gave me your cell phone number. I bought the cam for my race truck from you because even while I was running someone else's cam you spent hours on the phone with me helping me tune my truck around my cam and helped identify the cam that came in my brothers truck(also not your cam).

Some people criticize your ability to be a good salesman.... Well you sell your product so good job. The difference between you and say ATS or Industrial Injection is when I call the number on your website IT'S YOU! Not a receptionist or some kid with no experience trying to sell me their "street/strip cam". I like to buy products from companies like Hamilton that actually care what their customers think.

Just let the scuffle between you and Weston go. This forum can benefit from you, and your business can benefit from this forum. I wish you and SDX both the best. Let your products and sponsored vehicles do the talking.

I'm still waiting for my damn shirt :hehe:
Me and my wife met and hung out with Zach up at Muncie a few years ago. I cant say enough good stuff bout him and his products. I'll continue to always use his products in any project i'm involved with! His knowledge and R&D work is a true benefit to the entire diesel community.

Dont let a few guys with an agenda deture you from the task at hand! Your better than that!
Smokem dang sure got an agenda. To bad mouth everybody that sells the same thing he does....LOL He is an asshat. Don't stoop to his level. I pay him no attention on here. Keep doing what you are doing and don't worry about the other tards. Some folks have no character.
Ignore them Zack. Keep doing what you do best. Been dealing with you for a while and I have sold alot of your products. Best customer service I have ever seen from another business. No questions asked, always willing to make things right. Weston isn't worth arguing with Bud, trust me.
Smokem dang sure got an agenda. To bad mouth everybody that sells the same thing he does....LOL He is an asshat. Don't stoop to his level. I pay him no attention on here. Keep doing what you are doing and don't worry about the other tards. Some folks have no character.
Yeah cause smokem made a thread of zach, right.

If you wanna buy from zach do it, if you don't wanna buy from smokem don't it. Pretty simple.
The way I see it, Every company that makes parts, has had at one time mistakes. Some minor some major. The problems that any company has can easily be compounded by internet A-holes that want to sound big. That makes things far worse than they have to be.
Customer service is what its all about. you will keep customers coming back if you have good customer service. Hands down.
I think we should have a CompD beer fund. When two competitors get at each others throats,ban them for a week and buy them a bunch a beer so they can set down and talk man to man. Not hiding behind there screens feeling tough...
Thank you gentlemen. Timbeaux said he would not delete my account. Go figure.

I work my tail off to keep a good name. I would rather go out of business than be labeled a "prick" "cheat" "crooked" or some of the other things I have been called on here. When it is all said and done. If that is how some feel then I will hang up my spurs and go check out groceries at walmart.

The internet has been good in that it has allowed me to get out information on our products, however it can also give a platform for someone, if done correctly, to break businesses.

I have always asked our customers to post up what they see with our products and not fluff anything. Real data, good or bad is what I want. In short the truth is a good place to start. When there is an issue, I don't mind in the least if someone posts up about it. That keeps people honest. What chaps my hide, is when I am not afforded the chance to make things right and then am paraded around in different threads as a crook. IF there was an issue, it was used as a publicity stunt, not as a chance to remedy the situation. I have yet to see one of the parts in question. So I have no clue if any of this is factual. Heresay, and anecdotal evidence is all that has been offered. I can't take someones word that X, Y or Z is the issue. I have to be able to have all parts in hand to make sure I have the correct measurements so that I know what to fix and what is truly the issue. Not to bust peoples chops, but there are members that do not know how to measure or what to measure. I can't make new parts off of Joe Blows measurements in their driveway.

THe problem with injectors is not fabricated, but don't trust me, next time your injectors are out have them popped.

I am going to continue replying to PM's, but I will lay off of the forums for a while. If you need anything, feel free to call the office directly. I count it an honor to be able to make products for you, thank you for allowing me to screw with diesels for a living.

And if you have an issue with any of our products, don't be a prick. Call us, we will do anything we can to remedy the situation.

One last thing, with the mass in the valvetrain, bigger valves, more boost, more rpm and higher ratio rockers, more spring pressure is needed........ period.

And Weston, if you would have been man enough to answer your phone anytime in the last 5 months or to have returned one of my calls, this could have been avoided. Since you have made it your job to be quality control for our products, allow me to be your quality control of charge that is. Or you can man up and try calling me back. THat is what I would really like.
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Both great guys, hope this all gets worked out. Sooner the better for everybody. Keep up the hard work both of you (Zach and Weston)
Call each other and chat it out guys.I have nothing but good to say about both of you!
Thank you gentlemen. Timbeaux said he would not delete my account. Go figure.

I work my tail off to keep a good name. I would rather go out of business than be labeled a "prick" "cheat" "crooked" or some of the other things I have been called on here. When it is all said and done. If that is how some feel then I will hang up my spurs and go check out groceries at walmart.

The internet has been good in that it has allowed me to get out information on our products, however it can also give a platform for someone, if done correctly, to break businesses.

I have always asked our customers to post up what they see with our products and not fluff anything. Real data, good or bad is what I want. In short the truth is a good place to start. When there is an issue, I don't mind in the least if someone posts up about it. That keeps people honest. What chaps my hide, is when I am not afforded the chance to make things right and then am paraded around in different threads as a crook. IF there was an issue, it was used as a publicity stunt, not as a chance to remedy the situation. I have yet to see one of the parts in question. So I have no clue if any of this is factual. Heresay, and anecdotal evidence is all that has been offered. I can't take someones word that X, Y or Z is the issue. I have to be able to have all parts in hand to make sure I have the correct measurements so that I know what to fix and what is truly the issue. Not to bust peoples chops, but there are members that do not know how to measure or what to measure. I can't make new parts off of Joe Blows measurements in their driveway.

THe problem with injectors is not fabricated, but don't trust me, next time your injectors are out have them popped.

I am going to continue replying to PM's, but I will lay off of the forums for a while. If you need anything, feel free to call the office directly. I count it an honor to be able to make products for you, thank you for allowing me to screw with diesels for a living.

And if you have an issue with any of our products, don't be a prick. Call us, we will do anything we can to remedy the situation.

One last thing, with the mass in the valvetrain, bigger valves, more boost, more rpm and higher ratio rockers, more spring pressure is needed........ period.

And Weston, if you would have been man enough to answer your phone anytime in the last 5 months or to have returned one of my calls, this could have been avoided. Since you have made it your job to be quality control for our products, allow me to be your quality control of charge that is. Or you can man up and try calling me back. THat is what I would really like.

there is no way you can lay off the forums after showing us the valve train. don't leave us hanging because of someone elses cheerleaders.

You own a business as does smokem. I never read where you called him a prick or he you. all the name calling was done by others. when you own a business its almost like politics. those who love your competition will hate you and will drag your name through the mud, it just goes with the territory, especially as you get successful. everone thinks being a business owner is the way to go but you now know that sometimes a 9-5 job might not be so bad, boring perhaps, but not bad.if you want to persue your goals and can only do so as a business owner you must realize that some people are going to hate you and will argue their point anywhere they can. I don't have a solution other than thick skin.
anyway I really am looking forward to the valve train updates. and updates on all the cool stuff you guys are coming out with.
Have tried calling him for 5 months now.........nothing.

I usually have pretty thick skin, but a smear campaign under false pretenses of "am just worried about the guys with your the way I can sell you the answer" was my hot button. I work my tail off to make a good product, I take a good bit of pride in them, that is why I'm a little hot.

I'll go out of business in a heartbeat before I will stand for that. Toe to toe, online, in person, ro sham beaux, however it needs to be settled. If I have sent you a part that was machined incorrectly, give me the chance to make it right, prove there is an issue or shut it.

And thank you for the kind words, they are much appreciated.
fack the other guy, I have bought one cam, two sets of springs and two sets of pushrods, YOU sir have always been on the phone with my questions ready to be answered and never any issue with your products. Can't wait to get the new cam for my common rail. Keep at it Zach, and remember, when a guy ignores you, you pretty much called out a liar.
Sorry everybody I am a little behind on here....can somebody send me the link to the thread with the misunderstanding so I can catch up on what's going on?

I bought a cam, valve springs, and pushrods all from Zach directly last year. Zach (not a hired hand, secretary, or sales rep) personally put my name on the waiting list for the cam I was ordering which was on back order for a few months and when they finally cam in 4 or 5 months later ZACH personally called me and informed me it was in. Between awesome service and awesome products everything I ever need for my truck that Hamilton builds....will be purchased from them. Plus their from Texas...

Somebody send me the link to the argument so I can catch up please thanks
Sorry everybody I am a little behind on here....can somebody send me the link to the thread with the misunderstanding so I can catch up on what's going on?

I bought a cam, valve springs, and pushrods all from Zach directly last year. Zach (not a hired hand, secretary, or sales rep) personally put my name on the waiting list for the cam I was ordering which was on back order for a few months and when they finally cam in 4 or 5 months later ZACH personally called me and informed me it was in. Between awesome service and awesome products everything I ever need for my truck that Hamilton builds....will be purchased from them. Plus their from Texas...

Somebody send me the link to the argument so I can catch up please thanks

it's not even worth reading to be honest with you.
So...My UNSOLICITED advice... Or just consider it my comments in general... whatever makes it easier to swallow...

NO ONE WORTH CARING ABOUT, cares how big someone's e-balls are. If you care about that, and let it SWAY you one way or another... YOU are not only SUPERFICIAL, but you are also INSIGNIFICANT!

DRAMA is for the GIRLS. Dismiss it and move on... Unless of course, you are a GIRL... Or a man with a little too much estrogen... Then perhaps drama APPEALS to you...

If you are NOT Zach, and you are reading this, YES! This ESPECIALLY applies to you.

PAUSE... Let it sink in... Are you there yet? If you feel anger at my words, then I am MOST DEFINITELY talking to you. Have a nice day.

If you are Zach and reading this, you probably already know what I am about to say.
Part of that LAST sentence in your sig line REQUIRES defense on your part, or it is just "words"?
RESPECT and RUNNING do NOT go hand in hand. Wealth and running do. Where YOU at?

Make your choice. ( I anticipate you staying and FIGHTING)
And by staying and fighting, I don't mean wordsmithing with those that oppose you. I mean keeping your head above all the drama BS "They" concoct, and realize it for what it is... a devious attempt to step on your success to further their own. It will be to their misfortune that they mistook you for a rung on their ladder, for the shallow people who follow will desert them, either immediately or in the end.

Some accusations or innuendos deserve answering, and I have seen you do that. Good on you.
Now with all that said, I can see the point in your argument, even from my distance, and even over the internet... Fight fire with fire... Seems only fair to me after all to "take the gloves off when the opponent does so"... I would do the same.
I can also see their defensive reaction... Some will be slower to see this, patience is truly a virtue.

What you maybe need to realize is that crooked people have crooked ways, and those ways, however slight, are not often seen by everyone... immediately or EVER. The solution is to NOT be CROOKED. Hold to values. DEEDS NOT WORDS, brother. You are on the right track, don't jump tracks now.

Zach, you must realize you have a GREAT reputation in this industry, and although I've never met you I assume based on those that have met you, as a MAN.

That is something I can get behind.

THAT is why you have my business.