Door Light problems.


New member
Oct 9, 2006
I got into my truck this morning and went to work and everything was fine. Well I went to go get in it at lunch time today and when I closed my door and crunk the truck up I noticed that my interior lights didn't go off and the Door Ajar light on the cluster was lit up so I got out and opened and closed all the doors and it still didn't go off.. What would cause it to stay on even though all the doors are closed? Do the doors on these trucks have the little door plungers somewhere like the chevys do and maybe it could be stuck? Its wierd because If you put the key in the ignition and you open the drivers door the dinger will come on. Well when you close the driver door it quits dinging so it can't be the drivers door. I closed all the doors again and the light is still on. I hit the lock button twice on the remote and the horn honked twice indicating that one of the doors isn't shut they all are really..
You need to give the latch a good shot of WD40. I have not had this problem, but I have read this is the fix.
That worked!! Thanks man
nummit said:
You need to give the latch a good shot of WD40. I have not had this problem, but I have read this is the fix.
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