Dr. Performance Diesel Play Day June 21st:


New member
Mar 20, 2008

Dr. Performance would like to invite the WHOLE diesel performance community to our first ever Diesel Play Day. We will be offering 3 different classes to run in, as well as having fun and grudge and exhibition races throughout the day.

3 diesel Classes:

Unlimited Outlaw:



Payout- $500 towards a Dr. Performance module of your choice

Hot Street Diesel:


- I think we all know what is meant by "Hot Street" diesel

Payout- $500 towards a Dr. Performance module of your choice

ET Bracket:


-This is the class for you everyday kinda guys. We wanted something that you could unhook your hauler and race in if you wanted to.

Payout- $500 towards a Dr. Performance module of your choice

We are really excited about giving the diesel cummunity another reason to get together and have a good time, and give away some product at the process.

If you have any serious questions you can just pm me and I will get an answer back as soon as I possible can. I am super excited about this event and look forward to meeting everyone.

The Dr. Performance team
I just got done talking with Charlie and he informed me that our Aluminum bottles for our Cetane Booster should arrive the friday of the race......

YES that means that

-1 Free 12oz cetane booster will be handed out to every diesel participant that drives through the gate on race day

-It also means that the following week Alex will be shipping the free samples that everyone has signed up for through him
i mentioned this to the prez of the north texas dtr club and he hadnt heard anything about it. Maybe post this flyer on dtr?
Well just talked to the people from Texas Raceway and the total spectator count was just over 400 with 45 tech cards filled out.
I also would like to thank EVERYONE that came out and made our first event such a success. :rockwoot:

We are currently looking at either the last weekend in August or the first weekend in September for our Second Diesel Play Day.

As always a BIG thanks goes out to all the guys and gals Texas Raceway for all the hard work that goes into hosting such a great event for the diesel community:clap::clap:
Off topic but did the cetane booster ever get sent out to the guys who posted their addresses. Never heard of anyone getting any ??? Thanks Steve B.